It's not China. Pic related.
Ukraine is Soros's laboratory/playground, or it used to be. (((They))) used endless harassment of Putin via the Ukraine. Oligarchs…JEWISH Oligarchs. USING Ukraine to undermine Putin's oil/gas operationsbecause fucking pipeline, because fucking SyriaAssad put a kink in their world domination of oil/gas assets. If you thought the Sauds weren't part of this overarching "web"..remember (((WHO))) the Saudi Royals really are.
"In the year 851 A.H. a group of men from AL MASALEEKH CLAN, which was a branch of ANZA Tribe, formed a caravan for buying cereals (wheat and corn) and other food stuff from IRAQ, and transporting it back to NAJD. The head of that group was a man called SAHMI BIN HATHLOOL. The caravan reached BASRA, where the members of the group went to a cereal merchant who was a Jew, Called MORDAKHAI BIN IBRAHIM BIN MOSHE'. During their bargaining with that merchant, the Jew asked them: "Where are you from?" They answered: "From ANZA TRIBE; a clan of AL MASALEEKH." Upon hearing that name, the Jew started to hug so affectionately each one of them saying that he, himself, was also from the clan of AL MASALEEKH, but he had come to reside in BASRA (IRAQ) in consequence to a family feud between his father and some members of ANZA Tribe."
>>10971159 Dutchsinse Earthquake swarm alert in the New Madrid Seismic ZOne @ Success, Arkansas
and they are most certainly trying to set of a fault with their last remaining DEW sats…CascadiaNew Madridor both if they're lucky…apparently unopposed. LOL poor Dutch he got his cherry popped a good one the night he first saw itwhich was way late to OUR party. They worked over the area at the three-points with their magic beamfor a few hours. Dutch is uncommon good at earthquake patterns using SCIENCE…he doesn't even (EVER) factor in the planetary issues like solar flares, full moonsetc that almost always set quakes off which is also science-timing related. Usually 6472 hours after a good solar flare flyby–we get a 6+ (usually in a place he's 'predicted' just due to the way this energy travels around the plates.
KEK he was pretty tore up seeing that beam…like we did re the CA fires.
SoQare they going to be allowed to devastate us unopposed? It's probably too late for New Madrid. If they're going to be allowed to do it–at least make sure they take states we don't give a fuck about. Cascadia please.