I didnt think you had one original thought. Thanks for the confirmation, brainlet
no, that would be just another dumb ass little boy LARPing on the interwebs
I'm not the one playing pew pew pew with my LARP gun, sugartits
Wipe your chin
1980 called - it wants its insults back
Be careful. Phone calls can knock out your AOL connection
A topic about which a guy who uses 'wussie' is going to teach me? Eat a bag of dicks, cupcake
Ok, Dad. I sas hoping for at least an 'oh huh first
Asking to be my 'daddy' is gross - hard pass on that one, Norman
think she had a comped staff member, if memory serves
if you're calling yourself a Qanon unironically, then yeah - you're a moran
Get a brian
Ghislaine, that you?