Anonymous ID: 5ca7bf Oct. 7, 2020, 8:44 p.m. No.10977062   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>10971159 Dutchsinse Earthquake swarm alert in the New Madrid Seismic ZOne @ Success, Arkansas


and they are most certainly trying to set of a fault with their last remaining DEW sats…CascadiaNew Madridor both if they're lucky…apparently unopposed. LOL poor Dutch he got his cherry popped a good one the night he first saw it which was way late to OUR party. They worked over the area at the three-points with their magic beam for a few hours. Dutch is uncommon good at earthquake patterns using SCIENCE…he doesn't even (EVER) factor in the planetary issues like solar flares, full moons etc that almost always set quakes off which is also science-timing related. Usually 6472 hours after a good solar flare flyby–we get a 6+ (usually in a place he's 'predicted' just due to the way this energy travels around the plates.


KEK he was pretty tore up seeing that beam…like we did re the CA fires.


So, Q, are they going to be allowed to devastate us unopposed? It's probably too late for New Madrid. If they're going to be allowed to do it–at least make sure they take states we don't give a fuck about. Cascadia please.


Meanwhile Q rattles on about shit we already know in order to keep that hope cope going.


We've got 3 weeks before the election is stolenand not a single thing has been done to correct the voting issues. Drag it out three more weeksI guess we won't find out who is really in charge until then. Just like ObamaCare


BTWletting Chinks use /pol/ to spread early warnings of the virus to make sure all the information got spreadsmacks of Las Vegas Johnand "i'm an orderly at a jailEpstein just died"..


SO many scientific papersso many fake ass videoswhat a plan–glowies were balls deep in that shit.




At least he's real. As for our justice systemyeah that bitch Carol fucking Baskin murdered her husband and got away with itbecause $$$.

Anonymous ID: 5ca7bf Oct. 7, 2020, 8:48 p.m. No.10977101   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7231 >>7545


I've been watching the religitards grasping their pearls on nearly every video about this shitthey actually believe they're going to be snatched up with Jesusand escape the horrors that will be inflicted on earthbecause people who COULDdidn't do jack shit to stop it.

Anonymous ID: 5ca7bf Oct. 7, 2020, 8:50 p.m. No.10977125   🗄️.is 🔗kun


LOL that would be too easy. They're just fucking around. Dangling the bait-feeding the hope, abusing trust. Just based on the Stella (Assange) interview I personally am not going to saynor could I say ethicallyWHAT team Trump is on.


Whose interest did the riots really serve?

Anonymous ID: 5ca7bf Oct. 7, 2020, 8:57 p.m. No.10977216   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>You're not, but there are a lot of Pence fans on the board. Just like everyone loved Mattis around here.


LOL don't you get it? ALL the cheerleaders for the traitorous generals was being posted by glowies.






^^^^^^^all traitorsand Trump hired every single one of them. Trump PROMISED to hire AMERICANS…that website he had the White House put up-so GOOD people could apply to work for him? POOFED. I made excuses for the swamp monster hiringover and over…and then I watched a man I know / knew personally to be GOLD…take the hitsover and over. FLYNN–


I don't know which place is more infested with the glowkun or 4chan. But I'd surely love some CM transparency on WTF that Fungus thing isand how it has so much powerthe ability to delete threads and hide that it's been done? That means that mentally ill fucker has access to IP informationwho is banning people from the COMS chatif the one being banned ISN'T that fucking FUNGUSthen an explanation as to who holds the power to ban herewhen there aren't supposed to BE those powersexcept in explicit cases of DISCLAIMER.


This place glows more and more each day.

Anonymous ID: 5ca7bf Oct. 7, 2020, 9:01 p.m. No.10977257   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7359


>but I got banned 3 days ago for having a discussion and using a turn of phrase that is used in many contexts….we are being censored here and CodeMonkeyz/Jim need to do something…..quick


NO one is supposed to be banned here except in cases clearly outlined in the DISCLAIMER at the bottom of every post.


FUNGUS is running this place on the backside and has the ability to delete threadsand access to IP informationwhich means identity. For close to 4 years nowthis asshole has run rampanteven BRAGGING about deleting threads on kun /pol/…


The complete and total lack of transparency is GLOWINGLY fucking disturbing.


(UNLESS YOU are fucking FUNGUS–and or glowbaker..then fuck off).

Anonymous ID: 5ca7bf Oct. 7, 2020, 9:07 p.m. No.10977324   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Inflitration, not invasion


OH don't be fucking STUPID. It's FUNGUS and that person has unprecented access. On kun pol we were discussing remote viewing the virus and decided to make our own thread and take if off the CVG thread…FUNGUS flat out stated that any thread on the subject would be deleted…10 posts in-thread deleted NO record at all it was ever there..and FUNGUS had a good laugh.


I want transparency. Why has this freak been given so much power here?


This isn't a NEW infiltration-they've been here all along. They've taken over 4chan too. I got permabanned…for posting CHILD PORNwhen in fact it was my thread connecting the dots between mind control programsand the CURRENT issues (IE Mawell, Hubbard, Epstein, Gates, Lieber). The ban literally said CHILD PORN..are you fucking kidding me?


Child porn is the glowie go to when they need to shut people up.


GLOWS–and that this issue has continually been ignored? That's a damn problem.

Anonymous ID: 5ca7bf Oct. 7, 2020, 9:13 p.m. No.10977409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7449 >>7480 >>7511


I'm not thinking most of us are gong to make it. Do you realize that this lockdown shit–is in every country in the world (to differing degrees?) WHY do (((THEY))) want us in our homes? Afraid TOO many of their slaves will die?


6 months after the USA found it…yeah Q–not everyone is a programmed NPC.

Anonymous ID: 5ca7bf Oct. 7, 2020, 9:20 p.m. No.10977485   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> I don't understand why Trump picked Pence.

We were "TOLD" that Trump had to accept Pence as his VP…which meant Pence was a plant from the beginning.


You know what kills me? I get "gotcha" emails over Trump's pathetic debate performance–and even if I use the Sun Tzu strategy

>act weak when you are strong

and the

>how do you get Joe to show for the second debate? You don't kill him in the first

strategy?? I get itbut fuckingAthere's no amount of "pills" that can be droppedif it's not fucking on CNN nothing happened. I COULD send the PDF on the Biden shit…but it means NOTHING to peoplebecause if it were realthen it would be on the news-and these are NOT Biden fans.