Trump Declassifies To Prevent Being Corona’ed Again - Here’s A Key Guide
go on…
lol so true… and dramatic
this one claims to have whistleblower on brennan and many others- read her pinned thread …
some beefy claims in her feed calling out blackmailed politicians
This claim of Trumps re the drug he was given for covid treatment as potential cure would obliterate the looming vaccine of faucis- kinda genius move
I don't think she's with AJ, the other blond was and I have the same recoil at jones… but read torres feed…she's got shady shit in her past too but it doesn't mean she's lying about whistleblowing and she's boldly naming the fucks she's called out
yeesh… what a mug
pence is dirty, he's playing with the opposition. A parasite. check the video between him and pelosi
grasping at straws…that's all they got
more cringey strokz
shit, this info has been long ago released. It's not new. A million q posts are about this.
he was pushed on Trump and probably looked good on paper. He's in on the coup. The videos show him going along with nancy's directions at the dais at state of the union address where the bastards were plotting to poison trump- likely with the covid bioweapon which they'd cover up with the bullshit pandemic. Nancy straight up says "we never wanted a coup de'tat for you" to pence.
I'm not saying she's not in league with others, or that she isn't sketchy but read the thread…you'll see what I mean. Intel comes from a lot of sources, not all of them perfect in fact none of them are. You use discernment with what you glean overall.
sociopath is a polite term for psychopath like socialism is a greased term for communism.
an anon posted an article on obama training in russia -
not available
he summarizes a complex network of people over decades of time to make sense of it and does an excellent job. I've tracked his research since 2016 and its been eye opening to say the least. His research shows you who's full of shit and prevents let down from hoping these cia attorneys are actually going to reveal truth when they've been knee deep in shit all their careers.
the honeytraps.