My neighbour - currently sitting on his back deck enjoying a coffee and Danish (until they are genocided in favour of baked dung-beetle rolls) - is an 11th generation American, depuis 1630, from Bedfordshire, whose name is literally attached to what MAY be the most famous of all battles during the 1st Revolutionary War, and he has just declared himself to be a "White supremacist and fuck them."
verbatim. oh my sides ahahahahahaha. his accent is wicked strong too. sounded very funny even though he didn't mean it to be.
This was after a 10 minute history-lesson on Massachusetts, on who he is related to, how many towns were founded by his family members, and an analysis of the Smithsonian's screed about time-keeping and planning being characteristics of white supremacist people. According to him, the Smithsonian was the back-breaking straw.