It bothers me greatly how the media runs hit pieces 24/7 on one side and runs interference on the other.
I thought 2016 was bad but that was nothing compared to this. How can a country have a legitimate election process with these circumstances ? You can't, especially when the left controls the media, the entertainment industry, the schools, most of the government, pop culture, and the D.A.'s.
It is really, really disheartening on that front but on the other hand, they have had to pretty much destroy the entire country just to give Joe Biden a shot at winning so what does that say about them ?
Biden has had enough gaffes in just the past 30 days to end his campaign, if only the media blackout didn't exist.
In a true free and fair election with an honest media, Trump wins in a Reagan style landslide.
In closing, I do think Trump needs his own Trump card because the media and the deep state is fighting like a dangerous cornered feral animal.