I was reading through Coumo's EO-220 and all it's extensions/additions. Keep in mind I am not a lawyer, so I did not try to interpret too much of the legalese.
I started to notice that there were many sections having to do with the election process for all types of elections.
I noticed that there were special elections scheduled, if I remember correctly, was June 2020 and September 2020 and saw all special elections or others were moved to the General Election on November 3, 2020.
EO-202.1 Suspends law allowing nursing home residents to vote with modified visitor policies.
EO-202.23 Further suspends or modifies Section 8-400 and Article 9 of NY Election Law.
EO-202.58 Section 8-400 and Article 9 of
Election Law suspends or modifies requirements to request absentee ballots. It looks like they can be requested over the phone and since legal requirements are suspended, could be requested often and fraudulently.
So, it seems, provisions for the November 3, 2020 Elections were included in the original EO-202 on March 7, 2020.
What that says to me is it was known and planned that the lock down would still be in place for the 2020 General Elections.