Kissinger left out the part where he was directly involved in creating said conditions, but he's not wrong. Global alliances are so twisted up and shifting at such a rapid pace on the surface that it's borderline impossible to tell who exactly would be on who's side if war were to break out between two major powers today. It's not just US/China either, every major world or regional power is essentially playing a game reminiscent of 1914 musical chairs. And there was a lot of fuckery when the music stopped last time.
Local Texas politics are comically over-the-top corrupt. There's a reason we're near the top of the list when it comes to sealed indictments.
Yeah wtf, he was like 80 in the 70s.
Snopes debunked that.
My only reasonable explanation is that we're unironically in hell and POTUS has been busy carefully and methodically wiring C4 to our cell doors.
Really, what sort of subhuman doesn't use adblocker in 2020? The internet becomes borderline unnavigable any time I'm forced to turn it off.
So glad my hometown's been chosen as the prime relocation destination for freemason glownigger propagandists. They'll fit right in with the overpaid codemonkeys and empty-headed yuppie marketing people that have already ruined the place beyond recognition.
By downloading it. It's not hard to figure out.
Endless investigations are the exact same thing as justice never being served. Scum like Lindsay Graham know this full well.
People must not be allowed to forget. If that means a lot of people have to be called out for the absolute brainlets they are, so be it.