Anonymous ID: 8dd2c1 Oct. 8, 2020, 12:46 p.m. No.10984883   🗄️.is 🔗kun





ROSENSTEIN really is a POS

A Black Hat as BAD as they come. Illegal surveillance is his speciality ? FISA ?

In a federal lawsuit filed this week, Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosentein has been implicated in yet another improper government spy operation.


In the new complaint, Attkisson v. Rosenstein, investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson names former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosentein and four other Justice Department officials as the government agents who of illegally survielled her electronic devices.

According to the complaint – filed in United States District Court in Baltimore, Maryland – Rosenstein led “a multi-agency task force in Baltimore that conducted surveillance of the Attkissons’ computer systems” and “used USPS IP addresses on other occasions to conduct operations.”

Zero Hedge

January 9, 2020

Anonymous ID: 8dd2c1 Oct. 8, 2020, 1:06 p.m. No.10985095   🗄️.is 🔗kun



What do Barr, Wray and Haspel have in common ?


They are ALL heads of organisations that are FULL of DS Black Hats.


It is a nasty place to be. You don't know for sure who is a Black Hat and who is Not ?

The Black Hats are watching you, trying to trip you up. You are watching everybody

trying to work out who IS a Black Hat and who IS NOT. There are lots of SECRETS .

There are Lots of Liars ? Who can you believe ?

Who can you trust ? The FBI is probably the worst ? Too many Liars ?

Too many missing documents ? You have plenty of enemies within.

You try to do the Job, . . . . without making even more enemies ?


You are constantly walking a tightrope . . . . hoping not to fall ?

Anonymous ID: 8dd2c1 Oct. 8, 2020, 1:27 p.m. No.10985359   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Even the Dems do not believe the Polls. They know the Truth.

Kamala Harris messed up Big Time in the debate


The Voters can See the Desperation of the Dems.

The Voters can Smell the Desperation of the Dems.

The Voters know that the Dems have gone Mad.

The Desperation is making more and more Voters walk away from the Dems.