What if Trump has stolen the Coronavirus narrative and this is how we get rid of the commie jews? He is going to slowly jew the jew by destroying any hold they have left on the USA. Give them peace deals and they have no need for military and economic aid and no reason to attack other countries and provoke endless wars. Take away the central banks power over the world's money and economy. Destroy big pharma with real cures and exposure. Exposure of the pedoshit and what they are doing to our children. How does this not destroy the jew? They might still exist but will have absolutely no power and their nature will cause their own self destruction and failure. This is a turning point in history and possibly a major evolutionary jump in humanity.
It's starting in NY. They are having to comply with the lockdown. Exposing the crimes will expose who is behind them. It won't matter that they are jewish because he is going to treat them like a normal US citizen and the anti-semetic trick wont work because he set up the perfect narrative and optics of the goodest goy ever. The best for last. They are re-hashing and trying to play up the white supremacy card but it will not work. They will resort to violence and more exposure. The truth will come out. All is not lost and we control our destiny. Trump is still green screening it so Ops are active. The storm comes when the dam in china breaks? Anyone following BDA on pol this is when shit is supposed to get really bad allegedly. They are trying to force God's Hand sticks out though.