(over there off bread)
>So–what if anons may ask "why is the kitch so messed up now?"
What if? I would say they have.
>bakers can give their opinions
As long as they agree with the kitchen.
>Here is mine:
This should be a hoot.
>1- kitch isn't perfect so there's always room for someone to call out imperfections
Again as long as they agree with the kitchen.
>2 - OSS came along and did just that - but unfortunately, he chose to characterize those imperfections as deliberate attempts to subvert the board instead of the fact that bakering is a high stress job often with incredible time pressures.
Regardless of the proof he has and after getting nothing but personal attacks, showed
to everyone.
>3 - thru constant spamming and shilling, he managed to attract the support of an army of shills (many masquerading as anons) - which is how his breads managed to "win" over breads baked by usual bakers
Constant spamming and shilling, hmmm would that be like bakers creating meme's just for OSS to be insulting. All the same team right?
>4 - by approaching BO @fj behind the scenes, he got a powerful ally who now appears to be working directly with him to further to make sure that only OSS team breads can get baked.
You mean like NB planned on doing? Actions like that, right? Dont recall seeing your objections free, I could be wrong.
>Can also explain that the takeover got started simply bc OSS tried to sneak in 3 dough changes and I posted anons' responses to that sneaky act. And his complete silence when confronted. Kek.
Noooo, because OSS had watched you all allow someone else to not only do it, but to leave those same changes in. Further, that baker who showed the way was praised and now has to go under one of several names.