OK I see the New Madrid area quakes now.
Displayed: ALL magnitudes for ONE WEEK.
Anything <M2.5 does not display by default, you have to change the settings manually.
OK I see the New Madrid area quakes now.
Displayed: ALL magnitudes for ONE WEEK.
Anything <M2.5 does not display by default, you have to change the settings manually.
US knowing does not help the [C] to See.
We must translate what we Know into what the [C] can understand.
Our info must circulate to a broader audience than just here.
Some anons are here to learn.
Good for them.
They eat the good bread and get nourished.
Some anons See.
If you See, do you Share?
If you See, do you Show?
If you Know, do you Show?
The [Sheep] are very hungry.
It is up to us to feed the [Sheep].
It is time for the [Sheep] to Eat the Bread.
UNITE to overcome the Mockingbird
When we are divided, what's the impact of our separate voices?
What if we all decided to sing with one voice, like the Mockingbirds sing?
When we UNITE, is our voice stronger?
Would division be a great way to shush our united voice?
Is turning anons against one another division?
How do we make UNITY?
How do we UNITE our voices to overcome the Mockingbird?
[They] want us divided.
D-i-v-i-d-e-d, [they] win we lose.
]United[, ]we[ win [t-h-e-y] l-o-s-e.
Choose, America.
That is one possibility.
The other possibility is that a bunch of military brass arrived for a high-level meeting. At the conclusion of the meeting they all departed back to where they came from.
To determine which it is, planefags would have to look up past history for each plane. That is doable. But takes time.
Tesla Dome?
>Anons all knew within minutes.
Yes,but MSM is running with a fake narrative.
It's not good enough for anons to all know.
We need the REST OF THE PEOPLE to also know.
Get the word out.
Tell them what anons know.
Be loud.
Be heard.