DOJ docs from last nite show DOJ/FBI lawyers skeptical abt case vs Flynn day after agents broke protocol 2question him
They said facts+interview dont show Flynn had covert tie 2 Russia +No reasonable lawyer wld use Logan Act +Agents didnt give Flynn usual chance 2correct record
6:02 PM · Oct 8, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
Notes from top FBI lawyers seem to suggest Flynn call w Russian ambassador during transition was consistent w other transition teams Yet FBI ldrs used this to keep bogus case agnst him open even though others ordered it closed
6:03 PM · Oct 8, 2020·Twitter
Agents who did interview didnt think Flynn lied so why push so hard 2prosecute?? Notes show FBI had NO CASE! Not Logan Act Not Lying to FBI Ugly abuse by FBI ldrs
6:04 PM · Oct 8, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
FBI analysts+lawyers didnt think they had case agnst Flynn but top brass ignored warnings+proceeded w weak case built on unusual& misleading tactics even after case was supposed 2b closed Looks like they had ax to grind WHY R WE STILL WASTING TAXPAYER $$ ON THIS ENTRAPMENT???
6:04 PM · Oct 8, 2020·Twitter for iPhon