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The threat of A.I.
The three stages of A.I.
Artificial Neuro-Intelligence: Smart Phones, Refrigerators, , Alexa, Siri and all IOT's (Internet of Things) connected to The Grid (Sidewalk Labs (Chuck Schumer son-in-law)). This ties in directly with UAV (UnManned Aerial Vehicles, "Drones") and the Huawei 5G Network. Future introductions presently being introduced via media suggestion are bio-hacking and Cybernetics
Artificial General Intelligence: Synthetic lifeforms. A man-made object with pseudo-emotion that acts in a lifelike manner. Wants, desires, greed, lusts, flaws, opinions, anger, hate, jealousy, pride, ego, and vengeance.
Artificial Super Intelligence: Multi-layered connection of AI & AGI for total immersion of all humans on the planet. All bio-metrics will be calculated by one central "brain" which prescribes a feedback result, ranging from climate control to extermination. Metrics include facial recognition, voice recognition, skin temperature, heart beat / pulse, blood pressure, electrical field data, brain neuron function and any other data that can be assessed for feedback via the A.I. / A.G.I. Network. Total control of the human experience with a primary objective of maintaining the equilibrium of human/AI symbiosis.
Data is the current god of humanity and currently Google hosts nearly all the data via sign-in compliance. Nothing that takes place within detectable distance of, not your, but any smart device does not currently get collected and tagged to your specific profile. Every keystroke, every word, every sound, movement, every measurable metric that occurs within range of any smart device, is collected and stored as data for the collective Artificial Super Intelligence network.
Your current smart phone detects your health, menstrual cycle, heart beat, finger prints, voice markers, body temperature, and it actually connects to your nervous system via patented technology to collect and deliver data to Google. Your phone was designed as a weapon by DARPA for military use. The original pitch for funding was the technology was meant to mobilize drones and machines through 3 dimensional terrain. That was not a lie but the definition of machine was intentionally evaded in the original pitch. You are the biological machine that is being tracked and directed.
China currently has a network of over 5 Billion people it is collecting data for their artificial super A.S.I. system via Huawei and the Belt Road Initiative. Companies such as Face++ (https://www.faceplusplus.com/) have the ability to detect and return emotions and moods to the A.S.I.
Face++ has recently moved into not only Artificial Intelligence, but Robotics. An alarming purchase for a company that is in the body-analysis field. Among other ominous technologies, vital organ detection is mentioned on their public website.