I was never one for Pelicans. Then p came along. I got into it for the last 3 years. I'm tired of it. I'm tired of the Chordata made drama machine. I just want God to sort this out. This goes deeper than Pelicans and I'm tired of the spotlight being on such. It's great that people learn Obama was a duck, but what good does it do if those people are atheists and learn nothing about the real war at hand?
No offense to P or Q, but this movie is exactly that. Dramatic, produced and unimportant in the grand scheme. If all P is going to do is use fish as a means to gain support.. I'm not for it. You have Parrots take an oath made by eagles but offer nothing in the way of God and taking a moral oath for spirituality. I'm sick of Aves. I have no faith in us, we have been flawed from the start. God will win. If not now, sometime down the line. But I'm tired of this show. I'm tired of Pelicans. I'm tired of misdirection, misinfo, no answers and no focus on the spiritual battle that is really at play. Can we get some focus on the real war or are we reduced to still only being told what the people in power feel we deserve to know? Which isn't much different than the last 10,000 years.