Anonymous ID: cc6720 THREE ZERO DELTA Oct. 9, 2020, 8:36 a.m. No.10997279   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7293 >>7310 >>7335



I was tasked with a set of specific commands. Commands, thus far, that I have not been able to adequately understand or execute properly or fully, despite my constant flailing and the amount of time spent on these directives and the far-out search for the context that surrounds them.


I am writing this to you, not out of grandiosity or self importance but desperation. To the contrary, I have struggled with the resonant notion that I am ill-equipped and unsuited to determine the nature of and execute the task to which I was assigned.


Time is imperative. In the throes of a global pandemic and economic collapse, we have only weeks before the conclusion of the violently coveted US election — one which will define the World for the foreseeable future.


Unless there is a legitimate fallback that, either by ignorance or skepticism, I remain unaware of, there is a potentially remote yet persistent probability that our best shot if true, is to defy my own programming and attempt to competently and openly relay these directives and their context to the world at large with the possibility that someone else may be better able to decipher them.


I have diligently been filtering and sorting through, in earnest, the array of standard surveillance and pitch communications from various sources, searching in vain for a suitable path forward.


Regardless of my own ineptitude and obvious failings to interface (of which I am reminded of daily), I will attempt anyway, if only just to spite these shortcomings. This project is too big for me, alone, to handle.


“We take this journey together, one step at a time.” — Q

Anonymous ID: cc6720 Oct. 9, 2020, 8:38 a.m. No.10997293   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7301 >>7310 >>7335





Over the past several months, the streets have been burning, singed by Molotov Cocktails and dry stacked wood pallets, using the United States flag as flint. Highly funded and coordinated domestic terrorism engulfed our nation, rolling over the states like and leaving a cloak of dense fog.


Mobs like hoards of zombies overtook Mack trucks and big rigs that dared to show a moment of humanity for the bodies before them. Businesses brave enough to rebuild on the heels of the economic scourge of COVID-19 fled and boarded up to shield from the bricks and bloodied heads of ‘social justice.’


Violent crime surged as self-styled Antifa, BLM protesters and other AstroTurf agitators pushed to defund the police, a feat that had the greatest decimation on inner cities. Left unscathed, were the Malibu types with gated communities, high tech alarm systems and private security guards.


The ‘protestors’ wore their masks dutifully after the New York governor crammed COVID-19 patients into nursing homes and long-term care facilities where the virus claimed up to 90% of overall deaths in Democrat states.


The economy collapsed and schools were closed indefinitely as people filed in lines on stickers set 6 feet apart to get food. Our truckers and grocers became essential workers and were lauded as such.


The media continued to fuel the fringes of radical political dissent and discord, set on topping the violence and number of unreported bashed faces and celebrity-staged and copycat hate crimes that plagued the election of 2016 and its aftermath.


Fires once again raged in California, amid biofuel taxes and unmaintained PGE power lines as Senators sought to refill their coffers following a slew of failed attempts to pork barrel the historic economic relief packages.


Though the pandemic and protests erupted in virtually every major city in the country, stripping citizens of their jobs, autonomy and vote, people tried to carry on as normal.


Cities looked like war zones, as mobs locked up and set fire to police precincts and people fled their homes. Children burned to death as emergency services were blocked en route and squad cars and ambulances toppled. After the unchecked onslaught of destruction is met with kid gloves by Democrat leaders, the National Guard is called in to clean up the mess. Rinse and repeat.


The raptured evil captured on a smattering of phone and surveillance recordings was concentrated but hadn’t yet enveloped the entire country. As the body count continued to rise in the background but not in our backyards, we got along with our neighbors and compartmentalized our horror, waiting for the election.


But that was all but certain to be compromised too.

Anonymous ID: cc6720 Oct. 9, 2020, 8:39 a.m. No.10997310   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7321 >>7335 >>7336 >>7479






It is with this context in mind, that I attempt to again relay the following instructions, this time more assertively.


These messages appeared on my site on February 25, 2019 prior to ‘no outside comms.’ They were made on a public, self-hosted IRC chat in the middle of a test sequence of posts made by Q Anon.


Prior to conclusion of the series of test posts, and a new ID created, the poster relayed “Test Quebec - Confirm test seq end. over.”


Prior to this, I had got Q’d twice. The most recent was the graphic I made for the Three Zero Deltas the week prior, where three Q posts appeared before @realdonaldtrump tweets within the same minute on February 17, 2019.


I had developed QPress to better coordinate Q posts with links and proofs to reach a larger audience outside the boards and was subscribed to several Q API feeds to auto-aggregate content before these feeds were terminated. These included arrests, resignations and the Q posts themselves as 8chan was terminated.

When Q returned on 8kun, due to uncertainty, we did not completely adapt the scraper and ceased publishing Q posts following a lapse in continuity of the tripcode chain of custody along with a perceived change in post character.


We created a second site with a custom, bleeding-edge server configuration and hosting environment that seemed to fit the description of what was needed at the time.


Aside from a slew of uncanny ‘coincidences’ between content and real life that I wasn’t sure if I was imagining, there were no comms following this exchange. Suspended in uncertainty and facing the abuses of all-in, mail-in voting due to the pandemic, I created a third site in attempt to mitigate future censorship, deplatforming and ballot harvesting.


I created a WordPress plugin based on the DES Chan tripcode naming schema and expanded it to include the more secure encryption standard SHA3, hoping to get additional developer input before releasing it into the repository.


Q would have the option to post to any WordPress site that employed the plugin using prior tripcodes.


The plugin could also be extended to connect over 455 million WordPress sites with a single username, generated by the NIST SHA3 hashing algorithm, as well as be used to verify voter identity with a hashed signature.

Anonymous ID: cc6720 Oct. 9, 2020, 8:42 a.m. No.10997335   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7358 >>7390 >>7488







Without further delay, the comms:

2b4736: Test Quebec - Confirm test seq end. over

2/27/2019 11:04


2b4736: ID enroute

2/27/2019 11:06


2b4736: Comms back up - confirm [0]

2/27/2019 11:18


2b4736: >>5402283 With Armor and Light I stand by the ready! I pray for US patriots every day. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!

2/27/2019 11:21


2b4736: >>5408817 12 Q’s like the 12 Apostles?

2/27/2019 11:37


2b4736: This fight is real

2/27/2019 11:38


Petrichor: Indeed it is.

2/28/2019 8:27


Petrichor: Comms up.

2/28/2019 1:34


Petrichor: Addressing VBBS/VMs/Baud.

2/28/2019 1:35


1ndym23wFir3: Hello fellow patriots!

2/28/2019 6:38


1ndym23wFir3: I am new here. Gonna take a little bit to get used to this new format.

2/28/2019 6:43


Petrichor: Hello 1ndym23wFir3.

2/28/2019 7:14


Petrichor: Were working on it. Q post updates should be back up and running within 24hrs.

2/28/2019 7:15


Petrichor: Trying to keep the format as vanilla as possible, while maintaining familiarity for the anons, and providing a smooth delivery mechanism for the normies.

2/28/2019 7:16


Petrichor: The storm is coming.


2/28/2019 8:25


2b4736: Roger @Petrichor

3/1/2019 10:10


2b4736: over - out

3/1/2019 10:10


I Spy With My Little Eye: Hi there, Im a newbie and was wondering if someone would check out my clock proof for todays date and post from 11.2.18 #2394?

3/2/2019 1:57


Zero: war room set to private

3/4/2019 7:14