Awan Brothers. Watch if you haven't dug on this yet
Retired US Army Reserve Lt. Colonel Tony Shaffer:
"[The Awan Brothers had] Superuser access to the system itself…Sensitive information being held by the House Foreign Affairs committee….What gets worse is, she (Wasserman Schultz) actually employs these folks…to do hideous things behind the scenes…there's evidence now that at least one of these brothers was helping her do the Bernie Sanders malevolent activities and trying to manipulate things against him…they actually helped her do voice-change calls and all these other things…they dumped off into a 3rd database which is now being called a breach. So that's why the Capitol Police rolled in saying there's something wrong here …and now the FBI has rolled in…"
"And let me give you the big takeaway here. It looks like a foreign intelligence service may be the recipient of all this and…something called the Muslim Brotherhood."