Anonymous ID: c11298 April 19, 2018, 7:06 a.m. No.1100686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0800

Now shills and sliders are pretending to be anons, using chan slang, and acting concerned about things like fake photos/videos as if these are somehow important.


Fact is that all of this is bullshit.


We came here to do research based on the crumbs that Q drops. That means most of our time is spent, OFF THIS BOARD, digging and making connections and drawing maps or circular flow diagrams. We come to the board to share our work in progress. Or our results. In the best case, our results can be used as a parallel construction to get professional investigators, like the FBI and DOJ, doing their own investigation.


A secondary job we have is the Great Awakening. This means using the material from digging to red pill other people OUTSIDE THE BOARD and to convince them that there is something fishy in the state of DC and to get them to do their own digging. This part of the work is where MEME production is useful and hashtag campaigns. But this is not the main thrust of our work. Many if us will get banned or shadow banned on social media which plays into the overall campaign to prove that social media is corrupt and part of Project Mockingbird. But beware shills who demand that you push a message or blast something out there. They know this gets you shadowbanned so it is just a sophisticated way to shut you up.


Remember that this board is not a discussion board. People who spend too much time on chatting are shills, sliders and just plain idiots.


Maybe you are not naturally an autist, but in this time of need, try to behave like an autist and DIG for info, MAKE CONNECTIONS in the criminal network and DRAW MAPS of the criminal conspiracy.