>>11001321 lb
Just to be clear:
Don't believe EVERYTHING ELSE that you've read, because
THIS (Pompeo statement) is what's REALLY going
>>11001321 lb
Just to be clear:
Don't believe EVERYTHING ELSE that you've read, because
THIS (Pompeo statement) is what's REALLY going
Where's the notification button so I'm alerted when someone posts an answer to this question?
Is that the Brahma Witch?
No apology necessary.
Not commenting on meme you posted.
It was literally hoping someone FILLED-IN
all those [PLACEHOLDERS] to give
us a CLEAR IDEA where we are in the timeline.
She's legal where she's from, yeah?
Anyone else think it was VERY SUSPICIOUS his EXIT from his show? Wasn't it around before/after the whole #MeToo thing blew up?
I've used both but not sure distinction
between the two. Don't wanna get
slammed for being a nubee.