ask Mike
Hey Frenz, anyone sharing my theory that arrests are better when the market is closed (i.e. weekends)?
Greetings from France! WWG1WGA!
4 10 20
4:4 10:10 20:20
Man held at an Indian airport for sneaking gold in his rectum
I did not. But how could it be wrong? I think you should try again. Maybe you miss someting. I wouldnt suspect Q of a such disinfoโฆ
or maybe he could simply say what he meant so people wouldn't now argue about it for 3 days
ohโฆ that's exactly why it's this way, i forgot
C before D
Bidan Reading from tele-prompter and still is rambling on incoherently
anime isnt a problem
that faggot using anime is a problem
well, not really a problem, because they don't do anything but felate themselves
moar like an annoyance
Butterfly with wingspan the size of the bird spotted in Chernobyl exclusion zone
U need someone better than me with excel. And apparently, noone wants to do it. It's like when I say that the market must be closed for arrests to happen (i.e. weekends). Noone is interested about that either. Even when 10/10 is coming tomorrowโฆ
that's exactly right, im playing 25d chess like Q
look at me go posting against myself to keep you talking about myself
get on my levelโฆ
i forgot the only people left here are literally retarded
Friends are foes and foes and friends.
The deeper we go the more unrealistic it becomes.
The Hunt for Red October. :
"And I will live in Montana.
And I will marry a round American woman, and raise rabbits, and she will cook them for me.
And I will have an pickup truck.
Or possibly even arecreational vehicleand drive from state to state.
Do they let you do that? - Yes!
No papers? - No papers. State to state." :
"So we are going to have some tremendous numbers coming in, when you look at the ridership in the airlines what they've got, they went from 2% to a number that if it's correct I'd be surprised actually, but it is a very high number.
It's great, people are traveling, and you know what, they are traveling in the United States.
And they are also driving.
And they are building the trailers and they build a lot of things, they are driving, people are driving.
I may have to buy one of those things and drive around town, maybe I drive back to New York with our First Lady, in a trailer.
What do they call that? - AnRV.
AnRV, anRV.
Well you should know, Indiana is the capital ofRVs.
I think I am going to buy anRVand travel from now on in anRVwith our First Lady.
I don't think anybody would mind that."
Thought Kamel was hard to listen to - this is something else!
drink time
maybe you should get people talking about it for 3 breads
then post it all over social media to make us look fucking retarded
youre cute