<I'm going to free speech board
The absolute state of normies, holy shit… you just can't make this shit up.
Fucking pottery.
<I'm going to free speech board
The absolute state of normies, holy shit… you just can't make this shit up.
Fucking pottery.
Hey there boom boom, how have you enjoyed your experience thus far?
Good talk, newfag.
Just so you know these aren't lolis.
Being that loli is outside of the boomer matrix, I will assume you developed this language from a confirmation bias formed right home at /qresearch/
Interesting, that even in the freedom of speech zone your mind is the battlefield if not moreso.
You crazy old nigger, holy fuck you're stupid.
If you literally sexual cute faces and reaction images, that's some fucked shit and you need to reprogram that mainframe nigger.
If you cannot see things as they should be, then you cannot see at all.
Behold you argue a literal cartoon.
Yes normiefuck because the kindness that platitudes did you so well before?
Because being a spineless faggot that is afraid of language has worked so fucking well in the past?
Neck yourself retard, complete freedom of communication is the only avenue toward liberty.
I mean look at the state of the world as it is.
You really think fucking boom booms had a chance?
Fucking MIL INT probably coomed themselves when they found a subculture immune to kike indoctrination.
Just newfags getting a taste of anonymity and acting like faggots.
In assumption with this newfound feeling of power, the newfag relentlessly attacks all opposition to its comfort.
Unknowingly digging itself back into a confirmation bias and perspective loop, instead of branching out into the discomfort and confronting their own ignorance.
Yep, definitely me.
What the actual fuck, are you seriously this paranoid?
The shills are just posting disinformation, demoralization, and general flooding the board to produce as much chatter as they can to fuck with anyone trying to read.
By that logic if you are simply reading and scanning the digs, you should have little to no problem with shills.
Yeah you stupid fuck, and you side with idiot boomers.
Look where that got you, now you're the animefag idiot.
You'll fit right in.