Sorcery/Pharmakia is an abomination to God, and opens you up to demonic persuasion/suggestion/oppression/possession.
Why do you need Q?
You could just listen to Mr. Mackey.
Sorcery/Pharmakia is an abomination to God, and opens you up to demonic persuasion/suggestion/oppression/possession.
Why do you need Q?
You could just listen to Mr. Mackey.
God made it pretty plain. The Whore is the city that sits on 7 hills and puts the crowns on the heads of kings, and ruled the world during the writing of the Revelation.
Catholics need a personal relationship with Jesus, not a corporate one.
They've been deluded into accepting a corporate relationship by pure fear of not being in the "one church Jesus started".
The Vatican is the most evil organization on earth.
delet sys32
See how pissed he gets when we impeach Hussein.
Who needs to be told not to believe anything Axios writes?
Embalming spices, not drugs.
Shaman are the most excellent example of what I am telling you is true.
Taking drugs to be influenced by the spirits.
welp, here it comes.
Same God that wants to have a personal relationship and literally live within you did that, yes.
There is no evil created; evil is only what used to be good, was meant for good, and then twisted; broken; perverted; or in this case, amplified artificially.
Why are you not satisfied with the pineal gland God gave you?
I think it's north of 60,000, and the ruin of the Clinton Foundation will be the ruin of many.
Yeah. We got 'em like flames got moths.
You're still going to be you, a billion years from now.
And you still have time to make your reservations.
There is, you will see him with your own eyes, confess he is Lord with your own tongue, and bend your own knee.
Sooner or Later.
Sooner is better for you.
Ok Veruca
You know how the Chinese have to show a green screen on their smart phones in order to leave their house or enter a business?
And if their screen is red, they're under arrest/house arrest?
This is a step in that direction.
Read up on Jesus Christ.
You missed it. It was 40 years ago.
And yet, you still have hope, because you are still alive, and are blowing it.
Scaramucci's response is the scandalous part of this story.
Most excellent get!
Can't. CA too. Once they make you a mandatory mail voter, if you try to vote in person, you can only vote provisionally. Mail ballot to drop box is my best option, and it ain't a good one.
It is supposedly being tracked, with email updates that have worked so far, but yeah. Commiefornia for sure.
Jezebel is gonna stroke out with deja vu.
That's pretty dam clever.
You could see them building up to a continuously monitored biosystems for every individual that networks with alarms to anyone near them, etc.
Total Surveillance Society.
Who's the monkey?