Anonymous ID: 4114db Oct. 9, 2020, 8:01 p.m. No.11007803   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>11001092 pb ————————————–——– Who is most susceptible? (Cap: >>11001735)




Q should mention that fact, or use the full wizardry of the Fed Gov to get the exact number.


More people who lived in nursing homes have died than everyone else combined.


Where do we think the next deaths are going to come from?


Nursing Homes


Despite knowing from the beginning that this covid hits nursing homes very hard (where was the first outbreak? Washington State in a Nursing Home), no one is doing anything to address all those dead people, continuing on, all in a place we knew it was going to take place.


And this falls on Trump too. It's obviously more of a State / Governor problem, but Trump could wrack his brain or could've, and figured out that this is a Nursing Home problem more than it is a "everybody else" problem.


Fed Gov has been throwing around so much money. So much money.


Can't they just send enough test kits to the nursing homes to make sure that the nursing home workers are tested daily? We know that it's sick nursing home workers bringing in covid from the outside.


The 3 wise epidemiologists from Harvard, Stanford and Oxford

are saying "Protect The Vulnerable" and "let the healthy be free, build herd immunity"


Do that.


Daily testing for nursing home workers.


It's Trumps own employees, people like Fauci, who are sucking.


If the CDC says - we're going to focus on making sure the nursing home people don't die, and everyone else be free, the States are going to have to respond to that.


But we're hearing bullshit from Fauci. Clean house. Fox is putting people on the Laura Ingraham show, these 3 wise epidemiologists who could be replacements for the Fauci types.


Fox is doing some personnel work for Trump.


Trump's poll numbers for people who think covid is a top issue are not good.


Fix the nursing home problem. "These Governors suck, so many people in nursing homes, they're dying, month after month, from covid. More people in nursing homes are dying than everywhere else. This is a public health problem, and we've been treating this as a public health problem, but this is really also a nursing home problem. The Governors are supposed to fix the nursing home problem, but they didn't. I need to step in, and do something to decrease the number of deaths in nursing homes. Tons of money for worker testing. Free HCQ for prevention. It is very very very important that these nursing home workers not get covid and kill their patients. This isn't about pointing fingers and guessing whether it's the States fault or if it's the Nursing Homes fault, it's about getting in there and saving lives.


A Maine nursing home worker completed her shift despite virus symptoms. Now 7 residents are dead.