>>11007651 lb
Trump needs to do a November massacre of the deep state.
>>11007651 lb
Trump needs to do a November massacre of the deep state.
Loser Patrol
I wont be voting for Trump unless some deep state traitors get locked up. That's partly why he was elected. There must be 10s of millions like me.
Presidents dont get excuses, only results.
It's a miscarriage and obstruction of justice to not prosecute known criminals. It's also negligence worthy of firing.
Demoncrats are groupthinking sheep, so they think everybody is. Demoncrats are idiots.
Jobs, Gates et al were millennials? I did not know that!
I practiced law for 3 decades and Ive hired and fired dozens of lawyers. I would have fired this DOJ a LONG time ago. Fucking useless. Mueller had no problem locking people up for almost nothing.
The Bushes created massive problems for our country, they ran Clinton and Obama too, essentially.
Shitty govt lawyers doing shitty govt work.
Ive been waiting since 1992.
It's not hard to do, if you actually DO SOMETHING rather than conduct endless investigations about 3-4 year old settled facts. Any private law firm would have been sent packing 2 years ago for the negligence and corruption demonstrated by Trump's DOJ.
JFK's election was rigged.
Everything Killary ever touched turned to shit. She's toxic and a low-quality person, to put it mildly.
Yeah, the left is dangerous.
I'm quite conservative, what I'd most liek to see is a shrinking of the govt on all levels. Govt is our problem, not the People. I agree 100 with defunding police, theyre a huge problem. 2A and freedom from meaningless govt harassment is much much better.
Theyd get more $$$ to keep her away.