Simply as a reminder to whoever was asleep in 2008.
Lotta head fakes going on.
He can do whatever the fuck he wants. He can march into the FBI or CIA and demand to see the documents. Sit his ass in Wray and Gina's chair and read them all, then call up Rush and Hannity and read them live while releasing them on Twatter if he wants.
Pretty sure there wasn't a "walk away" movement to flood over to GW's side of the snake. We've had four years to wake up to the filth both heads of the snake are, and would all say "fuck off" if W even tried that shit.
What absolute dunces these two "writers" are.
Might wanna check the Constitution on that, genius. You could also ask Trey Gowdy…
From what I understand the states each get ONE vote through the House. And the swing states have more Rep congressmen then Dems. So the Reps would win that battle.
Can't make this shit up!