Erie County, NY is as crooked as a question-mark.
FYI: GAG-ORDER, put in place by Judge Deanne Tripi, prevents me from speaking my child's own name, or the name of her abusers. (Put in place in a "secret-court", I was not present for or even notified of, on Sept. 01, 2020).
BAKER can you "Notable" this batch of posts, please… Otherwise, I'll just keep posting the shit, ya know? No choice… Child in danger. Little help?
All religions have been subverted…
"Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan"
Turn a cube on an angle, get a hexagon hexagram > Star of Remphan > Remphan > Saturn > Set > Satan > Kronos > Baal > Moloch > El > Satyr > Sattern > all the same…
Not Jews… Not Catholics… Not Islam… SATANISTS… This is the common thread, folks. Star of Remphan (You know it as the star of David.) Look for variations. Freemasonry, OTO, Thelema, CBRN, Black Cube, Saturnalia, Badges, etc… Its EVERYWHERE.
In 2017-18… I recall everyday about 347 UIDs religiously posting… For a WW movement with millions watching.. Sure is a small bunch of us, that's for sure.
Thoughts on why we were chosen/targeted?
Did you get "quarantined" here… Like censored on FB, Twitter, Reddit, etc, and end up here because it was the last-bastion of free-speech. That's how it happened for me. Q came later. We were already here.
Well… By "here", I mean the research boards… First it was /pol/, the /cbts/, the /qresearch/ then everyone kinda got scattered for a bit… now 8kun
WWG1… Some of us end up.
Well, that is certainly true… We're basically are loud-mouthed, SOBs, with digital-skills. Who like Jesus and stuff. :)
Just gonna throw this out there… Type O-neg… Anyone else?
I don't think so… I mean, kinda where the top of my neck meets my skull, but nothing major, "elongated or Rothschildish".
You've certainly got me fondling my skull though.
HWNDU was fucking epic… It really showed how much time and effort we can waste on retarded shit, when we put our heads together.
I wouldn't call it a "lump"… But, I wasn't raised with a board strapped to the back of my head in Africa. Def O-neg though.
I think that may have something to do with all this…
That's hilarious… My parents always said I would never stop asking, "But why?"/"How?"/etc…
You may be on to something here.
Alright, enough jerking each other off, fam… Let's get back to work.
What are expecting to happen today… 10/10… Mickey clock… 10-2… Thoughts?
Remember the night we thought we had to share text in memes only? Or the "Mossad Massacre"? Good times, frens…
The annotation "q", at the bottom says, "Or, Helper".
My Dads Bible, has "Comforter", instead of Advocate… And a friends had, "Councilor".
I just remember when Q first started going by "Q" and we all jumped him for being a "name-fag". :)
There is a phenomena that exists… When people are presented with info that, if accepted, would mean they would have to actually do something, or alter their lives in some significant way, they will often block it out and pretend it never happened… "la, la, la, la, la…" That kind of shit.