This is great:
UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016-07895 Doc No. C06160711
Date: 03/05/2018
From: PIR <preines on behalf of PIRSent: Wednesday, November 7, 2012 3:12 PM
To: CDM; Lona Valmoro; Jake Sullivan; Huma AbedinSubject: Coming Days
• Here we are, right back where we started: Dem Prez, Dem Senate, R House, "Deeplydivided America" - can Obama bring it together, deliver the Hope & Change he didn't overthe last four years?
Gloria Borger: Does this constitute a mandate? Paul Begala: Yes; David Gergen: No
How Obama did it/Chicago chest thumping
How Romney blew it/Boston Infighting & handwringing/Romney was the wrong man
Bill Clinton still has the touch
• 106% of African Americans voted for the President/White Males are an endangered species
• Did Citizens United & SuperPacs even matter?
• What does this mean for the courts? Will liberal justices on death's doorstep stepdown? This President could have another 2, 3, 9 Scotus nominations
Wow, look at how accurate our polls were - aren't we so smart?
Winners (Jim Messina, Bill Clinton, Nate Silver - what's next for him?) &Losers(Sheldon Adelson, Donald Trump, Candy Crowley)
• Cabinet & staff turnover/profiles of Jack Lew, Jim Messina (Chief of Staff? He hasdeep Hill experience, which paid off SO well during health care, Valerie Jarrett (for nogood reason)
• The President's ritual of playing basketball with staff, his brother-in-law CraigRobinson, and Reggie Love made the difference; only time he didn't was NH primary in '06,and look what happened
.• Something about the Nesbitts, unclear what. How they always vacation together. And they take Valerie. How they are the President's tight circle, keep him normal, call him"Barack" (yet somehow every word this tight circle says to the President ends up inbooks)
• Republican party soul searching/what will it take to ever win again?
Ryan/Rubio fight for the future of the GOP/or is it Jeb?
Joe Biden - he for real?
• Can anyone beat Hillary in 2016?/Nobody can beat Hillary in 2016/Does Libya tarnish her2016 chances?/Libya tarnishes her chances in 2016/Hillary is inevitable/no seriously, this time she's really inevitable