Anybody know of any sign language anons that can interpret POTUS hand signals?
If the media and dems are after the head of the EPA for cutting slush funds, then they are both likely to be the recipients of those funds, right?
Comey seems to be trying to flip and make a deal.
He will be lucky not to feel the fat end of some Arkancide?
I am also seeing that, which is why I suggested Comey flipped. He hasn't.
Prolly turns off tumour suppressor genes and activates oncogenes too.
I wouldn't trust him to write his name.
He would probably write McCabe.
See where I am going?
That's because they are bots AND humans sitting in Eastern Europe somewhere.
When they're not Barauch the Butthurt Bellend.
Like Federal Express?
Thanks anon
The cabal must be planning to make a last stand in the States.
That must mean a lot of weaponry stashed and being hunted.
That would be behind closed doors.
Wonder if that is what is helping push out the timeline.
Was it jet fuel?