I've already seen it repeatedly with the evidence coming out. They literally claimed that they felt safer knowing the FBI was working in a corrupt fashion to "keep them safe".
I've found something of note on other forums—-there are an overwhelming number of people CLAIMING to have read everything Q has dropped and all of the research—who are also claiming that nothing has come of it and that it's a "Proven LARP". My issue with this is that anyone with half a brain who had read everything is obviously SEEING what is going on. These people seem to be pretending to be /ourguys and whinging all over social media in an effort to discredit Q. This is a problem and it appears to be an attempt to obstruct awakening.
Perhaps wittingly. He might be trying to get out of his problems by becoming (yet again) a turncoat. Either that, or he really is /ourguy and is a terrific fucking actor. He looks like a moron who could not possible hold the positions he has held and yet I cannot reconcile that level of idiocy with the obvious savvy of his behaviors. He's NOT stupid, he's almost like Shillary in some of his linguistic trickery, but he clearly SCREWED THE FUCK out of Hillary and wisely closed the case at a time when the powers that be were displeased with his actions under the guise of pretending to "verify her eligibility by officially closing the case" but also managed to get her into a position where the case wasn't legitimately closed forever and it could still be investigated.