Prime example of what happens with one fuck up in election basing a decision on "feelings" as electing that turd caused a chain reaction which echoed all over the world. The controlled CIA, FBI, and so on who were led by controlled leaders while the rank and file bled and died to uphold their oath and, as time passed, issues were ignored in the EU, in Canada, in Mexico and everywhere else. The result? Now America is completely surrounded by growing Marxist shit when, before that piece of shit got in office, it never would have been allowed. Ever since Clinton took office in the 90s these things have festered.
If Trump didn't get in office it would have very likely been the end of western society and that is no bullshit. These fags running around in their underwear screaming resistance would have been tossed off rooftops or had their junk cut off. The women (fat women - ie: all feminists) would have been raped and tossed into pig feed troughs and the decent looking women would have been wife #13 for some asshole and it would have then created a civil war where she would have opened house and made it open season on all whites. When it was over they would have dropped chems everywhere and killed the pawns only securing the bloodlines they felt mattered or people to be unknowing slaves praising her as God for saving them. People may think I go too far but am I? Look everywhere else on the planet and tell me I'm wrong. It would have been a fucking bloodbath.