Anonymous ID: c91aba April 19, 2018, 9:01 a.m. No.1101577   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1607 >>1635 >>1702



Ya Think – “ Believe”- The Time is at Hand – A Patriots Call


THEY “think” THEY have the POWER

THEY have more WEALTH than all the NATIONS of the WORLD


THEY make the RULES and THEY make the RULERS

THEY can buy EVERYTHING THEY want, and EVERYONE they need,

THEY give you what THEY WANT

THEY make everything you OWN and what you OWE

THEY are EVERYWHERE, except in YOUR mind [?]


They teach you everything you KNOW.

THEY teach you what is BLACK and what is white,

THEY teach you what is BAD and what is good,

THEY teach you what is WRONG and what is right,

THEY teach you what is LEFT and what is right,

THEY teach you what to SAY

THEY teach you what to BELIEVE

THEY OWN and CONTROL everything in the WORLD, even your life, your mind and your body[?]


THEY have given birth to a NEW LIFE

“WE” call Big Brother


The New World Order

Agenda 21

One World, One Belief, One SYSTEM

THEY want complete CONTROL

THEY have a PLAN,

THEY want YOU and YOUR G[U]NS and even your [K]NIVES

THEY want YOU to Close YOUR Eyes, Listen to what THEY Say

THEY want YOU to Shut Up,

THEY want YOU to Give Up


Anonymous ID: c91aba April 19, 2018, 9:10 a.m. No.1101655   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There are no, there are no coincidences


I believe things happened for a reason

I believe the is a Plan

I believe in GOD, FATE, and KARMA.

I believe in the Constitution,

I believe Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness,

I believe in the Greater Good,

I believe in the Superman , "Truth, justice and the American way."

I believe in Q

Anonymous ID: c91aba April 19, 2018, 9:14 a.m. No.1101690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1696



Ya Know…I really miss Camelot

Boy, our Country had so much hope back then…

What happened?

[C]an’t [I] believe [A]nything anymore?

Who can you trust these days?

[F]ully awake now, but can’t [B]e[I]ieve any one.

I can’t believe SHAPE THE WORLD today.


Are you celebrating Emancipation Day in DC

I feel like a slave sometime

[H]aving to work for the Man, eve[R]y night and day

So much [C]orruption in the world

How you going to celebrate Patriot’s Day this year?

Anonymous ID: c91aba April 19, 2018, 9:15 a.m. No.1101694   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Ya Know.

April Showers bring May flowers?

Ya Thi[N][K] you should take some with you?

Ya Think D[I][R]t should h[A]ve been dug up soo[N]er.

Do they see the LIGHT?



Ya working hard on your new/next TV Program

When will it be on the air?

[H]ow many guest sta[R]s will sit in the [C]hair(s) this season?

Wo[W], [J]ust heard yoiur show may be a cross between those old TV shows…

Truth or [C]onsequences

To Tell th[E] Trut[H]


You [B]et Your Life

Should be fun to watc[H],

Ya Kn[O]w


Speaking of [P][R] How you going to advertise?

Ya Think you can get me some tickets to the [B]ig [S]how?