What exactly can happen in two weeks and 3 days that will address massive pre planned voter fraud (which is already fully underway)?
Reveal the Biden family for who they are
Expose the deepstate and it's foreign controllers
Be big enough the MSM cannot ignore it, spin it and ensure normies just vote Biden/Harris.
Take out the corrupt politicians across the House and Senate.
There is just too much fuckery still hidden from Joe Sixpack for it to be exposed, analyzed and absorbed before Nov 3rd.
None of this is going to resolve itself before the election. The election is deliberately being allowed to become a massive, violent, corrupt clusterfuck.
The chaotic system collapse coming out of the election may just be the precipice Q talks of.
Any action taken after the election will be spun as political power grabbing. At that point of crisis America's geopolitical enemies have the chance to all attack at once.
This is not going to be pretty.
Whatever "The Plan Is" it is not going to fix anything before Nov 3.