um, no… the comments on this tweet say otherwise.
I've done lots of work on this topic, so it bothers me. But @RichLowry
has it right: POTUS has to accept that people have already made up their minds about Russiagate, and most just don't care about it like POTUS does …
– Andy McCarthy
in reference to this article: Trump Is Letting Down His Side
If this is the most important election of our lifetimes, is it too much to ask that the president of the United States act like it?
The president’s most devoted backers talk about the election in apocalyptic terms — Michael Anton of Hillsdale College, author of the famous “The Flight 93 Election” essay in 2016, is the unsurpassed master of the genre.
The stakes are undoubtedly huge. The policy swing from a President Donald Trump to a President Joe Biden alone would be massive, and progressives are talking about adding states for more Democratic Senate seats and packing the Supreme Court — changes meant to shift the balance of American government enduringly in their direction.
The warnings from the right about the potentially existential stakes of 2020 often inveigh against Republican pundits critical of Trump yet never get around to urging any correction on the president’s part. Indeed, even as Trump, too, talks in dire tones about the consequences of a Biden victory, he doesn’t seem to have absorbed the message.
If the existence of the country itself is on the ballot, why not prepare better for debates? Why not use Twitter exclusively for messages that advance his cause rather than detract from them? Why waste any time on petty animosities and distractions? Why not write down a health-care plan and a COVID-19 plan to blunt Biden’s most potent issues?
… The sources of the Russia investigation should, as a matter of basic accountability, be established and disclosed. But no one who is not already a Trump voter cares about dubious investigatory decisions from four years ago.