>Here is the blood spatter.
He was shot standing upright. There shouldn't be blood splatter on the ground
>Here is the blood spatter.
He was shot standing upright. There shouldn't be blood splatter on the ground
And the masks never came off
Cops shadows going the wrong way in this photo!
>all the blood draining out of the hole in his head is running downhill and under the victims body?
Nah. It's all staying in that handy brain drip pan the cops brought with them to set his head on
>cops got in there pretty fast
TWO sets of cops. Regular city cops at street-side behind yellow crime tape. The other group, militarized and within feet of the shooting when it happened; o the other side of the yellow tape.
>you know nothing about lighting.
good for you the sun shines from all directions u r specshul