>>11025Isn't it time for a smackdown on the few troops that continue to infest the bred (insectile buzzing noises grow louder) for clearer comms or are BO and other benefactors growing weary of the work that continues at this site? Show us you have full control and continue in your support of these efforts.Thank you and Godspeed to our patriotic forces.
>>11025370 Classic example of actual destruction being carried out. Where would these people get the money?? Printing presses of electronic money seem hard to control don't they.
>>11025370 Here is the beef right here folks.The seething heart of their malevolence posing as education kindness,goodness and what must be done for equity.Cutting edge of the propaganda war. Powerful effects of this stuff now turned against all of us.They don't call it "critical theory" for nothing.