Therefore, internet service providers, web frosting companies, social media platforms and
Search engines should lake the following measures:
and virulent form of hale speech.
ยป Create effective mechanisms for industry seff-requiation and self-detection of hate speech, inciuding
active detection of hate sites.
Provide an effective complaint process, and maintain a timely and professional response capacity.
Ban Holocaust denial sites from the web as a form of egregious hate speech.
Omit hate websites and content from searches, and initiate mechanisms for detection and reporting
of flagrantly offensive search results.
ยป Develop strong tools for the detection and prevention of websites and other internet materials that
promote terrorism and recruit to terrorist groups and actions. the posting of such materials. rough clear and weil displayed guidedines on unecceptable
Govemments should take the following steps:
Establish 2 national legal unit responsible for combating cyberhate
Make stronger use of existing laws to prosecute cyberhate and online antisem#ism, and enhance the
legal basis for prosecution where such laws are absent
of hate speech and antisemitic matenals.
NGO: 's and transnational bodies should:
Advance the adaplion af giobal terms of sarv:ce prohibiting the posting of cyberhate and anlisemiism.
and transnational nature of cyberhate, work to unite industry and
govermments in taking affective steps io confront cyberhate and online antisemitism.
Cyderhate and Antisemitism on ihe internet
Jerusaiem, May 14, 2015