Anonymous ID: 588f79 Oct. 11, 2020, 4:40 a.m. No.11023405   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3419 >>3425



My significant died from brain cancer in 2015***. He or she [we don't say which of the 2 genders here] was a very knowledgeable NRA instructor. I miss my SO every day because I could use input from an expert at times like this.


My question for you guise. If this event in Denver was a FF and a blank was shot, what happens to the fake victim?


Is the name of the victim altogether fake, and the crisis actor goes back to his real identity to spend his actor's pay?


Or does the actor disappear with a new ID?


Or does the actor wait a couple of years and then show up on CNN in a new False Flag, like a second Boston Marathon bombing?


How did HRC pull this off?


Will that little Antifa fuck named Kyle Clark get fired from KUSA - @9News - in Denver?


I agree Denver shooting looks fake as fuck. I'm just wondering when our government informs the public about all these false flags?


*** - RIP, SS

Anonymous ID: 588f79 Oct. 11, 2020, 4:44 a.m. No.11023423   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anon, that happened to me all day on Friday. Couldn't come here on my laptop no matter what browser I used.


All on its own, the problem disappeared yesterday.


So wait 24 hours and you'll probably be able to come here on laptop again.


I don't know the reason this happened but if it was a nefarious reason I hope the bad guys are ready to be met with legal self defense efforts if they ever try to hurt me or my loved ones.