Was the shooting a set up?
Looked like some Mickley Mouse bullshit attempt.
Shooters watch is turned in so time can be read from a firing position.
The time on his watch is…
Was the shooting a set up?
Looked like some Mickley Mouse bullshit attempt.
Shooters watch is turned in so time can be read from a firing position.
The time on his watch is…
Yeah I think youre right.
There was argument about whether he really shot the guy, due to a round unspent being ejected.
The guy who shot is fucked.
Fat guy slaps shooters sunglasses off.
Shooter backs away and draws.
Fat guy gets pepper spray out.
Shooter fires, gun jams, he clears the round.
Spraying starts.
Shooter fire killshot.
No self defence there?
Holy Shit, I think I realise this part of the plan.
Looking at early postal ballot returns, the enemy just doesn't have means, even with cheating to get near where they need.
Heres the clever part. Our side has been going on and on about vote problems and rigging WHILE AT THE SAME GETTING RID OF IT IN THE BACKGROUND.
What does this mean?
Every shill for enemy on TV or in print is on record as saying vote rigging doesn't happen and can't happen.
When Trump Landslide happens they cannot claim rigging.
The left is going to lose their shit the night of Nov3rd when they see results come in.