Anonymous ID: 8e6117 Oct. 11, 2020, 6:04 a.m. No.11023814   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>11022975 Editorial - why the 25th Amendment s/b repealed


Posting part of the article so anons don’t have to bounce of board every time a headline is posted


It’s starting to look like the states never should have ratified the 25th Amendment to begin with. At least not the part that deals with a dysfunctional president. Certainly it’s hard to imagine a scheme more nefarious than the one that Speaker Nancy Pelosi is advancing.In one of those crises the Democrats don’t like to let go to waste, it would turn over the task of removing an elected president to a panel of — wait for it — psychiatrists.


Mrs. Pelosi’s plan has nothing to do with President Trump’s case of Covid, contrary to what she suggested in her mincing press conference on Thursday. She suggested the idea was precipitated by the President’s bout of Covid leaving him in an altered state. On Friday, though, she fetched up with the bill a congressman from Maryland, Jamie Raskin, has been nursing. We call it the “Et Tu, Brute! Enablement Act.”


Mr. Rankin’s bill — he’s been nursing it since 2017 — would pick up an unused power granted to Congress in the 25th Amendment. The amendment allows for the temporary removal of the president if the vice president plus a majority of the cabinet declares he’s unable to discharge his duties. The veep and the cabinet majority just have to transmit that declaration to the Speaker and the president pro-tem of the Senate. If two-thirds of each house agrees, the president can be indefinitely sidelined.


By requiring that the vice president get backing from a majority of the cabinet, the amendment has a built-in protection for the president. It’s the president, after all, who names the cabinet in the first place. The 25th, though, has an option. Instead of the cabinet, the vice president could get a majority “of such other body as Congress may by law provide.” The Pelosi-Rankin bill would, for the first time, create such a body.


The New York Sun flies the flag that flew over the newspaper for which Rube Goldberg drew his famous cartoon contraptions. Even Rube, though, would have a hard time matching Mr. Raskin’s “Commission on Presidential Capacity to Discharge the Powers and Duties of the Office.” There’s a nifty précis on Vox. The commission would comprise 17 members, nine of them physicians, including four psychiatric specialists.


In other words, no longer would the president serve at the pleasure of the people. His job could hang on the say-so of a bunch of psychiatrists. We have nothing against these noble comrades. Vesting them with political power, though, strikes us as crazy, even if the Pelosi-Rankin commission were, as the bill suggests, bipartisan. No wonder President Trump sprang on Mrs. Pelosi’s 25th Amendment scheme.

Anonymous ID: 8e6117 Oct. 11, 2020, 6:13 a.m. No.11023870   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>11022991 The latest revelations show Team Obama invented the whole RussiaGate scandal


Posting the article


In mid-2016, the FBI got word that Russian intelligence believed Hillary Clinton’s campaign was planning to frame Donald Trump as colluding with Russia’s Vladimir Putin to hack her computers.Yet somehow, the crack agents never connected the dots when handed the Steele “dossier” commissioned and paid for by the Clinton campaign that claimed Trump was colluding with Putin.


Instead, the Justice Department used that dossier as a pretext to spy on at least Trump aide Carter Page as it investigated the clearly spurious charges. Justice also distorted the facts about Page’s past relations with the CIA to suggest he had a history of working with Russian agents when his actual record involved turning them in. Meanwhile, it buried the fact that Steele’s main source was himself a suspected Russian agent.


Nor did it connect the dots to another “Russiagate” lead, the third-hand rumors passed along by a Clinton-allied diplomat that supposedly implicated another Trump aide, George Papadopoulos.


The news of the 2016 intel comes from Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe’s gradual release of Russiagate records — which show that the true scandal was the investigation itself.


Maybe the Russian analysis was mistaken. But the info should have prompted far greater skepticism on all the Clinton-connected “dirt” on Trump, none of which ever panned out, despite years of investigation.


From Justice to the CIA, the Obama administration politicized a host of nonpartisan institutions to stain the Trump campaign and then sabotage the Trump administration. And, with selective leaks to major media, the plotters managed to convince much of the country.


The info was credible on its face: US intelligence “obtained insight” into the Russian analysis using highly classified methods (which are redacted in the now-public documents). The Russians had determined that Clinton wanted to blame Trump for the hacking of Democratic National Committee e-mails to distract from the growing scandal over her use of a non-secure home-brew server for official business as secretary of state.


The US intel community found it was authentic Russian analysis, though it couldn’t judge the veracity of the claim. And President Barack Obama was briefed on it, per his CIA director, John Brennan. In notes also released last week, Brennan describes telling Obama about the “alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 28 of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisers to villify [sic] Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.”


Brennan, as Andrew C. McCarthy details in his book “Ball of Collusion,” was the main driver of the early Russiagate investigation. Soon after the start of Crossfire Hurricane (as the investigation was code-named), Brennan briefed Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on alleged Russian election interference. Reid then wrote to then-FBI Director James Comey, warning him not to ignore “the evidence of a direct connection between the Russian government and Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.” Reid pointed to reporting that said Page had met Kremlin agents in Moscow — information that came from the Steele dossier, which was nothing but gossip fed to Steele by a man America deemed a security risk.


Soon the FBI began applying to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court for a surveillance warrant on Page — applications the DOJ inspector general later found riddled with errors and misstatements.


Attorney General Bill Barr has tasked US Attorney John Durham with getting to the bottom of all this: How did Crossfire Hurricane start and how did it continue for months and months after it was clear investigators could find no evidence of Russian collusion and realized the Steele dossier was utter junk?


Yet Durham seems bent on building criminal cases — not on clearing the air before Election Day. That’s a prosecutor’s job, but the greater public interest probably lies in getting all the info out as soon as possible. Americans deserve more answers before going to the polls.

Anonymous ID: 8e6117 Oct. 11, 2020, 6:37 a.m. No.11023991   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4017

Why is the NY Post publishing an obvious made up story by the NYT?


President Trump considered ripping off his dress shirt to reveal a Superman T-shirt when he was released from the hospital after being treated for the coronavirus, according to a report.


The president initially weighed acting frail when discharged from Walter Reed National Medical Center last Monday and then revealing the Superman shirt as a sign of strength but decided against going through with the stunt, the New York Times reported on Saturday.


Trump tested positive for the coronavirus on Oct. 1 – two days after the presidential debate with Joe Biden – and was taken to Walter Reed the following day for treatment after his oxygen levels


He returned to the White House on Oct. 5 and released a video message he taped on the balcony telling Americans not to be fearful of the coronavirus.


“I learned so much about coronavirus and one thing that’s for certain, don’t let it dominate you,” the president said in the video.


“Don’t be afraid of it. You’re gonna beat it. We have the best medical equipment, we have the best medicines — all developed recently,” he said.


In an interview last Thursday on Fox Business Network, Trump said he was able to beat the coronavirus because he’s in such great shape.


“I’m back because I am a perfect physical specimen and I’m extremely young.he said this jokinglyAnd so I’m lucky in that way,” Trump told Maria Bartiromo on the show.


White House Dr. Sean Conley said Saturday that the president is no longer contagious, clearing the way for Trump to return to the campaign trail.


“This evening I am happy to report that in addition to the President meeting the CDC criteria for the safe discontinuation of isolation, this morning’s COVID PCR sample demonstrates, by currently recognized standards, he is no longer considered a transmission risk to others,” Conley wrote in a memo released by the White House.

Anonymous ID: 8e6117 Oct. 11, 2020, 6:41 a.m. No.11024019   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rudy Giuliani thinks he’s dodged COVID-19 since last meeting with Trump

By Laura Italiano

In a radio interview airing Saturday night, Rudy Giuliani says he’s had three negative COVID tests since his last contact with President Trump — and he believes he has dodged the coronavirus bullet.


“My last contact [with Trump] was a week ago Wednesday, so that puts us nine days out and I got a result today, negative,” Giuliani said Friday, while taping the Roman Lewis Live radio show.


The segment airs Saturday at 7 p.m. on


“That’s the third test I took, and they were all the deep nasal test that’s supposedly more accurate, the Trump lawyer told Lewis.


“So I’ve had three negative results in 10 days,” he said.


“I feel fine,” he added. “I have no symptoms at all.”


Giuliani’s health status became a question last week, after it was revealed that he had attended debate prep sessions with Trump and Chris Christie in the White House Map Room just days before the president announced he had caught the coronavirus.


Christie, the former New Jersey governor, caught the bug, and spent a week in a Morristown hospital before being released Saturday.


Also at the debate prep sessions were Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany; she too caught the coronavirus.


On Monday night, Giuliani coughed repeatedly during an appearance on Fox News, and he has boasted of taking the widely-discredited COVID-19 drug hydroxychloroquine, further stoking speculation on his health


Giuliani is certainly feeling his oats after his third negative test.


On Roman Lewis Live, the former New York City mayor and federal prosecutor also pops off against Black Lives Matter, insisting he’s saved more black lives than anyone in the country.


“They should come and listen to me about how you save black lives,” he crows of BLM demonstrators.


“Because I’ve saved more black lives than anyone in America. A lot more than Black Lives Matter.”


“Rudy goes off the rails,” a source noted of the interview.


“He curses eight or ten times during the interview they had to go bleep him out for what’s going to be broadcast,”. Kek!


Giuliani’s interview will run in all its s-bomb-dropping glory in a longer, uncensored podcast next week.

Anonymous ID: 8e6117 Oct. 11, 2020, 6:43 a.m. No.11024027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4063 >>4226 >>4396

50,000 alleged sex-abuse victims expected to sue the Boy Scouts


As many as 50,000 alleged sex-abuse victims are expected to go after the Boy Scouts of America in court ahead of a November legal deadline, as a shocking new study concludes scouting just isn’t safe for kids.


Since the Boys Scouts of America’s February bankruptcy filing, about 35,000 alleged victims across the nation have filed claims, with “thousands” more emerging each week ahead of the Nov. 16 deadline.


“People are just coming forward in droves,” said lawyer Andrew Van Arsdale, whose AVA Law firm has joined with two other firms to create the coalition Abused in Scouting.


The sheer number of Boy Scout victims so far has dwarfed similar cases, noted lawyer Jason Amala of the firm Pfau, Cochran, Vertetis, Amala.


“It’s three to four times the claims filed in all the Catholic bankruptcies combined,” Amala said.


Advocacy group Child USA used anonymous data from 1,576 Abused in Scouting plaintiffs to compile a chilling look at sex abuse in scouting.


The study, to be released next week, shows more than 70 percent of alleged victims were abused multiple times, with more than 50 percent of the incidents taking place at Scout camps and nearly 100 percent of victims suffering lifelong consequences, including alcohol and drug problems, post traumatic stress disorder, difficulties holding down jobs and intimacy issues.


Accused abusers threatened their victims more than half the time, while 45 percent groomed victims with gifts, and 63 percent gained the trust of victims’ families, the study found.


70 percent of alleged victims were abused multiple times, with more than 50 percent of the incidents taking place at Scout camps


“Scouts is mistaken in their belief that teaching a child to build a fire or earn a badge is equivalent to situational strength,” the researchers wrote, noting that allowing kids to go with strangers into the woods without parents, safe places or law enforcement “creates repeated instances in which children are susceptible to abuse.”


The Boy Scouts model is “doomed to fail” in terms of protecting children, Child USA founder Marci Hamilton told The Post.


“It’s highly problematic,” she said, adding, “It’s so important that parents have the facts, and if they have the facts they’ll do the right thing.”


Child USA social scientist and researcher Carter Timon said, “Most people do not know that claims of sexual abuse are rarely, rarely false.”


In scouting, the overwhelming majority of abuse perpetrators — 82 percent — are adults, with just 3.8 percent being youths themselves, said Timon, who added that typically one-third of child sex abusers are kids.


Calling the finding “surprising,” Timon noted, “there’s something going on in this setting that makes it way more likely for adults to abuse a child than is typical.”


Victims, on average, were abused around the age of 12, and took nearly 30 years to come forward — including one former Scout who first revealed his abuse when he was 94, Timon said.


“These people are suffering, most of them for their whole lives,” he said.


It’s a story Jeff Williams, 49, can relate to. He was just 9 when he was abused for two years by an assistant scout leader in his native Ohio. Now a married father of two who has filed against the Boy Scouts in bankruptcy court, he urged others to come forward.


“There’s safety in numbers. … We all share a story,” he said. “It’s tremendous to know you’re not floating out there alone.”


The Boy Scouts says it is “committed to compensating victims through its restructuring,” and said the study information was “unverified.”


The group says it has banned one-on-one interactions between adults and scouts since 1987, and done criminal background checks since 1994.


According to its own research, 90 percent of Boy Scouts abuse claims occurred “more than 30 years ago,” said the organization, which calls the safety of children its “most important priority.”


The Boy Scouts also called for a federally overseen national database for all youth-serving organizations, to prevent abusers from going from one organization to another.

Anonymous ID: 8e6117 Oct. 11, 2020, 6:47 a.m. No.11024055   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4226 >>4396

Nurse who spoke at 2020 RNC busted for shooting woman after argument

By Eileen AJ Connelly


oh great, Dems actually have killers interviews at the DNC clown show on zoom, but they will blow this out of proportion


A West Virginia nurse who spoke at the Republican National Convention in August was arrested for shooting a woman in the gut after an argument, according to reports.


Amy Thorn, 39, gained attention after volunteering to work in New York in April, and later to San Antonio to treat COVID-19 patients.


Also known as Amy Ford, the name she used when she spoke on the opening night of the RNC, Thorn became something of a local hero because of her efforts to fight the virus and was later honored at a White House ceremony.


The daughter of a nurse and a coal miner, in her speech, Thorn praised the policy changes that expanded video visits, or “telehealth,” and enabled such visits to be covered by Medicare and private insurance policies. “Increased access to telehealth for millions of Americans has truly been lifesaving, and we have President Trump to thank,” she said in her speech.


The shooting took place late Thursday in the town of Williamson in southeastern West Virginia.


Police said Thorn shot Jonda Whitt in the abdomen during an argument, WCHS reported.


Williamson Police Chief Grady Dotson said Thorn claimed she had become fearful for her safety and had told Whitt she had a gun. “She went to the car and got the gun out of the car,” Dotson said, local news outlet the Mingo Messenger reported.


Whitt was taken to a local hospital, then airlifted to the Pikeville Medical Center in Pikeville, Ky., where she underwent surgery. Her injuries were not life-threatening. Details regarding what the argument was about were not immediately available.


In a statement to police, Thorn claimed the shooting was in self-defenseShe was charged with malicious wounding and released on $5,000 bond.

Anonymous ID: 8e6117 Oct. 11, 2020, 7:12 a.m. No.11024217   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4297 >>4396 >>4405

Exclusive – ‘Mansion Maxine’: Joe Collins Launches Ad Ripping Maxine Waters for Not Living in Her District

Ashley Oliver10 Oct 2020



Republican Joe Collins, a Navy veteran challenging Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters in California’s 43rd Congressional District, launched a campaign ad Saturday blasting the congresswoman for residing outside the district she represents while her constituents “suffer the consequences” of her policies.


“Maxine does not live in her district. But I do. I was born right here in South L.A., in a place Maxine refuses to live,” Collins says in the ad. “Maxine Waters does not drink our water. She does not breathe our air. And while she sits here in her mansion, our district is in ruins.”


Collins begins by introducing Waters’ multimillion-dollar home, which is located just outside the 43rd District’s boundary in the wealthy area of Hancock Park.


Collins then proceeds to walk through the district he is campaigning to represent, highlighting the challenges it has continued to face for decades as a result, he claims, of the policies of Waters, who has served in public office for more than 40 years.


“And why doesn’t Maxine Waters want to live in her own district? Because she doesn’t want to suffer the consequences of her own policies,” Collins says, pointing to spikes in deadly crime, a massive homeless population, and lacking education opportunities specifically for Latino and black school-aged children.


Collins then shifts to the issue of the protests and riots that have plagued cities nationwide since the death of George Floyd at the hands of police in May. Waters has said in response to the demonstrations that the law enforcement “tradition” has to be “done away with,” and posed the question in August of when the police would “stop killing black people.”


Collins criticizes Waters’ position on police reform as hypocritical, saying, “Maxine sits safe in her mansion, guarded by the same police she demonizes.”


“Maxine has never had to deal with violence or riots in her neighborhood,” Collins continues. “But this is the way the rest of us live. We need someone to represent us who lives here, who fights here, who wants to improve our way of life. Someone who understands we need safe streets and a strong economy.”


“I was one of the kids left behind by Maxine Waters. I’m going to fight for safety and dignity for South L.A. … Where has Maxine Waters been? Our people deserve better,” he concludes.

Anonymous ID: 8e6117 Oct. 11, 2020, 7:15 a.m. No.11024238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4252

==‘Privacy Crisis’: Contact Tracing Data from Pubs and Restaurants Sold to Third Parties=


Experts have warned of a “privacy crisis” in the United Kingdom as contact tracing data collected in pubs and restaurants is reportedly being sold on to third parties for advertising and other purposes.


Data collected for tracking the China virus is mandated by the government to be held by businesses for only 21 days and not be used “for any purposes other than for NHS Test and Trace”.However, some contractors are using QR codes to pilfer names, addresses, email information, and phone numbers — which they, in turn, sell to advertising and credit card companies, as well as insurance brokers.


Speaking to The Times, the director of software development company Level 5, Gaurav Malhotra said: “If you’re suddenly getting loads of texts, your data has probably been sold on from track-and-trace systems.”


One company supplying the hospitality industry with a QR code-based tracking system is Pub Track and Trace (PUBTT), which states in its privacy policy that by using the system users agree for the company to “make suggestions and recommendations to you about goods or services that may be of interest to you” as well as sharing data with “service providers or regulatory bodies providing fraud prevention services or credit/background checks.”


PUBTT, which works with pubs in England and Wales, also said in its user agreement that it is allowed to “collect, use, store and transfer” data pertaining to people entering certain areas through the use of “time, ID number, and CCTV images”.


A spokesman for the company said: “The data we collect is only for use of the Test and Trace service or where a user has agreed for the venue to use their information for marketing purposes.”


A company that provides track and trace services for restaurants, Ordamo, said that the data it collects is “retained for 25 years”.


The head of privacy at the Fieldfisher law firm, Hazel Grant, said that keeping users data for such a long time period would be “very difficult to justify”.


On September 24th the government mandated that some businesses display an official NHS QR code for the government’s official coronavirus tracking app, however, other businesses such as pubs, restaurants, museums, gyms, and hair salons are still required to record their own customer data.


Following the passage of the requirements, the Executive Director of Open Rights Group, Jim Killock, said: “This Government’s failure to conduct the legally required data safety assessment means that no-one knows how people’s details will be safely and legally collected, stored and protected by bars, restaurants, and coffee shops.


“No-one knows what will happen if things go wrong and this Government doesn’t seem to have thought this through,” he added.


“This Government has had 6 months to fix the test and trace programme and on the eve of the launch of this app one thing is for certain; this Government is flying by the seat of its pants,” Killock concluded.