Anonymous ID: 6f52f4 Oct. 11, 2020, 8:30 a.m. No.11024908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4977 >>5018


i ws wonderng myself how they shot down an intercontinental ballistic missile?

I remembered the story of a 9/11 apparant whistleblower / leaker who said that in Area 51 there are exotic military items which are unknown generally

He claimed that was what saved the White House as the plane flt 93 was headed there.

He said that plane was the one that hit the Pentagon with a shot, as a flyover.

The easter egg was put out that it was the accounting office that was hit.

However, why would they have been recently re enforcing the walls and work space of that area?

Makes more sense that it was a control area for the events

The dead who were allegedly there were said to be all very young, except for one.

I think they lied about who was there.


so maybe the ordinary ideas about how certain weapons and systems work is not 100% covering all bases?

Anonymous ID: 6f52f4 Oct. 11, 2020, 8:57 a.m. No.11025142   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5185 >>5215


You think she was running a sting?

Highly doubtful

Hi Brian


More likely she's there for her contacts with the child snatching business;

That was for her spy work, not police work

She put on her police hat when she visited


charity orgs were for real?

"combat sex trafficking"

nope -

She was taking classes on how to combat child trafficking so she could help the FEDs with their work


These are the kind of theories which give Q team a bad name


Anonymous ID: 6f52f4 Oct. 11, 2020, 9:07 a.m. No.11025215   🗄️.is 🔗kun


These are the kind of theories which give Q team a bad name


anything is possible

but zero evidence Ghilaine is a white hat.

except in the fevered imagaination of Brian and his ilk of PAYtriots who discredit us, since their insane theory are used to ID us to the public.


Remember : Mueller works for Trump?

They are still at it

sort of like Russian Collusion, it never ends.

they never win the argument either.


The suit against Ghislaine by Roberts that went on for years. I guess was a police action too,? it was to put the traffickers at ease with Ghislaine.

Wow these countintel people keep busy.



Isn't Children's Defense Fund Princess Anne

no that's "Save the Children"