saw anons in last bread discussing the missile path. the path is clearly parallel to the ground not perpendicular like a SAM path would be going for a long range target. the object is behind the clouds in background and in front of the foreground cloud. if it was a SAM launched from behind the land mass pictured it would have been behind the foreground cloud. so its traveling parallel to the ground at low altitude. sorry to say its not a missile. the path of the object was overlaid exactly with the path of that helicopter. time lapse photo of 20sec for a light for the speed of that heli put the distance of the light in the photo around 0.5mi matvhing up with the pic. a SAM would have a much longer trail in the pic for 20sec expo. go look at the boat and car light trails from pics just prior. you can see much longer traild of rear and head lights on the roaf going along the coast. Q fcked up here. not a missile. def not a missile aimed at AF1 in SGP cuz itd be out of range anyway. ANDS ITS DEFINITELY NOT AN ICBM which would have the range.
you repost the pic i analyzed. smart.
how do you discount what i observed re. flight path?
also go and look at time lapse photos for other rocket launches. they are perfrct arcs. rocket moves to fast for even subtle path changes. now follow the path for that pic. you will notices a small change in direction. impossible for a missile in time lapse photo.
do you realize that for a 20sec time lapse photo the clarity for a missile fuselage would be zero because of how fast it moves. youre seeing a blur of the fuslage of a heli. thats why its moving so slo in the pic and in front of the foregroubd cloud. a missile launched from behind thr land mass would have been behind all the clouds.
there is a subtle change in trajecory just before it goes behind the cloud in background. impossible for a missile speed
this is why my alarm went off with it. doesnt make sense.
anons dissing on anons.
try analyzing the photo. what do you notice? flight path? distance traveled? 0.5 mi or 15 mi? speed of missile? distance over 20sec?
try doing some analysis like i did instead of name calling.
the fact its in front of that cloud pretty much rules out any SAM or ICBM.
ok sure. if you think thats the direction. but yes there is subtle change in trajectory. not a perfect arc.
ok if it was whys it traveling paralell to gnd a low altitude. launched from way behind that land mass but somehow in front of a cloud in the foreground. this never made sense to me. should have been behind everything
not a frame or movie. its a series of 20sec time lapse photos taken every few minutes. you can see light trails for boats and cars in prior pics