I have found that the inability to express the Q/anon dichotomy and movement is a function of us (anons).
That is not to say that we don't have the ability to describe what is going on but rather how difficult it is to describe hive mind to someone that has no concept of what it is.
I find that I have been met with a paradoxical reaction when I attempt to 'sell' the movement. By that I mean the individual I attempt to tell is often more put off by the concept AFTER I attempt to explain it.
My conclusion is this: Our role is to disseminate the proofs so that Normies can decide for themselves.
Ask yourself, how did I end up here? Now ask yourself, why didn't others end up here?
I didn't have much concept of 8ch until November but somehow the mystery of Qanon drew me in from the first time I heard some outside of 8ch speaking about it. I didn't know how the site worked. I didn't understand the vernacular. I definitely didn't understand anything about hive mind. Yet it was important enough to me to understand. To most others it is not important.
Be patient and spread the proofs