>(Bio organic)
We recycle plastics, why have something that will completely destroy plastic?
Just so we can keep diggin up the materials needed for making raw plastic?
This doesn't make since to me.
>(Bio organic)
We recycle plastics, why have something that will completely destroy plastic?
Just so we can keep diggin up the materials needed for making raw plastic?
This doesn't make since to me.
Tracking 199 MIL aircraft over CONUS now.
Oh-boy! This could get interesting really fast.
Look what else is heading in that general direction.
95-00095 ADFE94
United States Army PAT846
United States Military
Beech C-12V Huron BE20
Blowing smoke up his own ass! Kek!
Shipping a bottle of rum your way! Kek!
That's a fucking lie.
Our eyes point forward for depth perception for a reason.
Such as hunting, and defending ourselves.
Herbivores eyes are on the side of their heads so they have a bigger peripheral vision for better spotting of danger in their presence.
7bf71a bye-bye along with your 33 posts of BS!
>Vegetarians and vegans are hilarious.
Not just that, but alot of them wind up being unhealthy in one way or another, and some even die younger than they should have.
Yes, there is a balance.
Have to have all the pieces to the puzzle before going to the judge with it.