Cheers is a deep show. Watch the first season again. Circle of life stuff. The bar is actually heaven and Coach is God. Sam is the Holy Child and Diane is the Sacred Feminine.
Not even kidding.
Cheers is a deep show. Watch the first season again. Circle of life stuff. The bar is actually heaven and Coach is God. Sam is the Holy Child and Diane is the Sacred Feminine.
Not even kidding.
New Holy Child after God dies.
Very interesting stuff in the Emerald Tablets.
And a lot less Jew propaganda. Imagine the sheer amount of fuckery our kids missed by this virus.
Cant wait to remove ZOG….we all need a mental break from their endless kvetching….
Tell the kikes to fuck off
Just imagine what the kikes did to the Old Testament….four books jammed into one. Over and over the accounts can be totally opposite accounts on the same page just a paragraph down.
The shit it designed to enslave your mind.