Anonymous ID: a54e2e Oct. 11, 2020, 11:04 a.m. No.11026194   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>11026161 pb


All pb

>>11026015 Putin Trolls Biden: Communists & Dems Share 'Common Values' While Trump Record Hard On Russia

>>11025997 ‘Bibi, you are destroying my future’: Anti-Netanyahu protesters defy lockdown, clash with police in Tel Aviv (VIDEO)

>>11025965 Taliban Slams CBS 'Fake News', Refutes Claim They Endorse Trump

Anonymous ID: a54e2e Oct. 11, 2020, 11:06 a.m. No.11026202   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6287 >>6559 >>6825 >>6914 >>6917

Western Allies Block Ex-OPCW Chief's Explosive Testimony On Syria Chemical Weapons


This past Monday at the UN Security Council, the US, the UK, France, and allies blocked testimony from a former director-general of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). Jose Bustani is a Brazilian diplomat and was the first director-general of the OPCW, which was formed in 1997.


Bustani was pushed out of the organization in 2002 by the Bush administration for his efforts to negotiate with Saddam Hussein. The Brazilian was prepared to deliver testimony to the UN Security Council on Monday over the OPCW’s investigation into an alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, Syria, in April 2018.


The US, UK, and France responded to the alleged Douma attack with airstrikes on Syrian government targets. After the strike, OPCW inspectors arrived in Douma to investigate.


Since the OPCW released its final report on the alleged Douma attack in March 2019, a trove of leaked documents have surfaced. The leaks, along with whistleblower testimony, suggest the OPCW suppressed evidence and ignored the findings of senior inspectors to fit the narrative that the Syrian government carried out a chemical attack in Douma.


In October 2019, Bustani attended a panel hosted by the Courage Foundation that heard testimony from an OPCW whistleblower who presented evidence that the Douma investigation was corrupted. After hearing the evidence, the panel released a statement urging the OPCW to revisit its investigation into the Douma incident.


The Grayzone published Bustani’s prepared statement that he was blocked from delivering at the UN Security Council. In his statement, Bustani urges Fernando Arias, the current OPCW director-general, to hear out the inspectors who were on the ground in Douma and had their findings suppressed:


“I would like to make a personal plea to you, Mr Fernando Arias, as Director General of the OPCW. The inspectors are among the Organization’s most valuable assets. As scientists and engineers, their specialist knowledge and inputs are essential for good decision making.”


“Most importantly, their views are untainted by politics or national interests. They only rely on the science. The inspectors in the Douma investigation have a simple request – that they be given the opportunity to meet with you to express their concerns to you in person, in a manner that is both transparent and accountable.”


Read the full transcript of Bustani's testimony here.

Anonymous ID: a54e2e Oct. 11, 2020, 11:07 a.m. No.11026216   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6287 >>6310 >>6559 >>6571 >>6825 >>6939

Smithsonian 'Girlhood' exhibit features Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger and a transgender reality TV star


The 'Girlhood' exhibition at the National Museum of American History claims that Margaret Sanger is 'complicated'


The Smithsonian Institute declared 2020 to be the "Year of the Woman," to commemorate the 100th anniversary of women's suffrage. The Smithsonian Institute celebrated the "Year of the Woman" by opening an exhibition at the National Museum of American History titled "Girlhood (It's Complicated)" on Friday.


The description by the Smithsonian Institute on its new "Girlhood (It's Complicated)" exhibit, "The history of girlhood is not what people think; it is complicated. Young women are often told that girls are 'made of sugar and spice and everything nice.' What we learn from the past is that girls are made of stronger stuff. They changed history."


The 5,000-square-foot gallery features five sections: Education (Being Schooled), Wellness (Body Talk), Work (Hey, Where's My Girlhood?), and Fashion (Girl's Remix).


We're just one day away from the virtual opening celebration of our new exhibition, Girlhood: It's Complicated! J…

— National Museum of American History (@National Museum of American History)1602104596.0


The "Girlhood" exhibit has its own page on the website for the National Museum of American History, where there is a "Talking About Sex" section. There are subsections, including "Teaching about Reproduction," "Sex Ed vs. Abstinence," "Experimenting on Girls of Color," and "Birth Control."


Near the top of the page is a biography of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, that reads, "Margaret Sanger, a writer and nurse, advocated for girls to know and control their own bodies - but only certain girls. Sanger believed that women who were poor or who had mental disabilities should not have children, in order to promote a 'healthy' society.'"


The Smithsonian Institute calls Sanger "complicated." "While eugenics was popular in Sanger's time, today such ideas are offensive for devaluing certain lives. How do we reckon with this important but complicated historical figure?"


The "Girlhood (It's Complicated)" website features a "Not Checking the Boxes" section that starts off by saying, "Sometimes gender isn't revealed at birth." The section discusses a person named "Ryan" who "was born intersex."


"Growing up, he was called by a name traditionally given to girls. But he adopted his name because he felt he possessed 'a girl body and a boy brain,'" it says.


"Ryan's story shows how checking boxes as male or female is limited," the Smithsonian Institute states. "Those boxes could never fully capture the complex realities of one's gender and sexuality."


The "Embracing Yourself" section features Jazz Jennings, a transgender reality TV star of the TLC show "I Am Jazz."


"She shares her girlhood with millions of Americans on television and reminds us that girls can be assigned male at birth and that girlhood comes in many forms," the Smithsonian Institute says. "Jazz always knew she 'was a girl trapped in a boy's body.' As a toddler, she felt a roar of emotions at not being able to communicate what she was experiencing."


In the "News and Politics" section of the website, it pays tribute to Naomi Wadler, an anti-gun activist who spoke at the 2018 "March for Our Lives" event at age 11.

Anonymous ID: a54e2e Oct. 11, 2020, 11:09 a.m. No.11026239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6287 >>6559 >>6825 >>6939 >>6967

High Ranking Lt. and 5 Cops Keep Jobs After Admitted Involvement in Teen Sex Trafficking Case


Oakland, CA — An abused little girl was only 12-years-old when she was forced into the sex trade, forever altering the course of her life. For years, this little girl was “exploited by pimps” until she finally broke away and made it to an Oakland police officer. For a brief moment, she thought she was safe — but, according to a lawsuit, she was wrong and the cops began trafficking her. And all of it stems from police being entirely unable to hold problem cops accountable—even when there is evidence of sexual misconduct and a paper trail of sexting.


This week, we find out that a high-ranking Richmond police official and five other officers who exchanged explicit messages with the teen were all given written reprimands — and kept their jobs!


Previously, TFTP reported on former Lt. Andre Hill who was running the Richmond police department’s Youth Service Division when he came across Celeste Guap in 2015. In 2017, he was fired after it was discovered that for years, he sent the teen sexually explicit messages and engaged in oral sex with her.


But he was never charged and is currently fighting for his job back. Now, as part of a settlement agreement stemming from a lawsuit over SB 1421, the 2019 police transparency law, records of the other officers’ “discipline” were released.


According to a report out of the Mercury News,


Records released Wednesday for the first time publicly identify four Richmond officers disciplined for their involvement with the Richmond teenager, known as Celeste Guap.


Most notably is Lt. Felix Tan, who was the chief of staff to then-Chief Allwyn Brown. As a public information officer, Tan helped craft the department’s messaging as the scandal ricocheted from the Oakland Police Department to Richmond.


To be clear, Tan was issuing the police department’s response to the officers who sexted a trafficked teen and he was involved in the very act. You cannot make this up! When IA asked Tan about the messages, he had no problem admitting to them, saying “Of course I made some comments because I’m a guy.”


Tan and Hill are among the highest ranking officials in any of the departments and now we have the names of multiple other cops.


In interviews with this news organization in 2016, Guap named five officers she claimed to have a relationship with: Lt. Hill, Sgt. Armando Moreno, Sgt. Mike Rood, Officer Jarred Tong and Officer Terrance Jackson. This organization typically does not name victims of sexual assault or trafficking, but did so after Guap (who uses an assumed name) had spoken out publicly in the case.


The new records confirm the names of three other officers: Detective Sgt. Erik Oliver, Detective Daniel Campos, and Officer Joe Deorian, who all received written reprimands for sexually explicit messaging with Guap.


None of the officers were charged nor were they fired. This is a problem.


As TFTP previously reported, when the young girl went to police to get help, she was actually being brought into a depraved circle of cops from multiple departments who would continue to abuse her for years to come.

Instead of helping her, more than 30 other law enforcement officers “continued to traffic, rape, victimize and exploit a teenage girl who needed to be rescued,” according to a legal claim filed with the Oakland city attorney’s office. “Instead of helping [the teen] find a way out of exploitation, they furthered and deepened her spiral down into the sex trade,” the claim continued.

Anonymous ID: a54e2e Oct. 11, 2020, 11:09 a.m. No.11026244   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6287 >>6446 >>6467 >>6559 >>6570 >>6825 >>6939

Corona Craziness: Children Banned From Singing Happy Birthday in UK Schools


School pupils across the United Kingdom are being banned from singing Happy Birthday in class over fears that it will increase the spread of the Chinese coronavirus.


Pupils in some schools are being told they can hum and clap the birthday tune, others are having students merely say the words of the song, while some teachers are playing the YouTube videos of other children singing as their actual pupils sit silently.


Up to this point, singing — which some claim increases the number of aerosol particles and droplets containing the virus — had been banned in pubs and churches across the country but was still permitted in schools.


In March, Prime Minister Boris Johnson encouraged people to sing two verses of the birthday song while washing their hands in order to gauge the twenty seconds recommended by the government.


Parents are also being barred from sending birthday cakes to schools over fears that cakes will transmit the virus, according to The Sun.


Conservative MP Slams ‘Nanny State Socialist’ Response to Coronavirus


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) October 1, 2020


Christine Brett, a mother of two from Cambridge, said: “A few months children were encouraged to sing Happy Birthday while washing their hands. Now even this is banned along with bringing in sweets to share with their friends and classmates.”


“Instead of being able to enjoy their special day happily, these precious memories will no longer be made and the lasting impact this crisis will have on children’s wellbeing will be the fear that we are instilling into them,” Brett warned.


The Department for Education said that there is no country-wide rule banning singing in classrooms and that each school will have to make that determination themselves. However, the government did urge schools to put in “safety measures” when singing or playing musical instruments, such as conducting the music outdoors.


“Singing, wind and brass playing should not take place in larger groups such as choirs and ensembles, or assemblies unless significant space, natural airflow (at least 10l/s/person for all present, including audiences) and strict social distancing and mitigation as described below can be maintained,” the Department for Education stated.


Coronavirus Masks Become Compulsory Part of Uniform at English School


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) August 7, 2020


Pupils are also being forced to endure cold temperatures as the government guidelines mandate that classrooms keep windows open in order to reduce transmission of the virus, with parents reporting that their children are returning home in tears with blue skin and chattering teeth.


The official guidance from the government states that it is “important to ensure good ventilation and maximising this wherever possible, for example, opening windows and propping open doors”.


A survey conducted by the parent campaign group UsForThem also found that many students are being forced to sit for hours in wet PE (Physical Education) clothes as the government has banned changing clothes in schools.


According to the president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, Professor Russell Viner, a study conducted by Public Health England (PHE) found that there is “very little evidence” that the Chinese virus is being spread in schools.


Corona Power Grab: Local Govts Given Power to Demolish ‘Contaminated’ Buildings


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) August 6, 2020

Anonymous ID: a54e2e Oct. 11, 2020, 11:10 a.m. No.11026248   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6287 >>6559 >>6825 >>6939

‘Privacy Crisis’: Contact Tracing Data from Pubs and Restaurants Sold to Third Parties


Experts have warned of a “privacy crisis” in the United Kingdom as contact tracing data collected in pubs and restaurants is reportedly being sold on to third parties for advertising and other purposes.


Data collected for tracking the China virus is mandated by the government to be held by businesses for only 21 days and not be used “for any purposes other than for NHS Test and Trace”. However, some contractors are using QR codes to pilfer names, addresses, email information, and phone numbers — which they, in turn, sell to advertising and credit card companies, as well as insurance brokers.


Speaking to The Times, the director of software development company Level 5, Gaurav Malhotra said: “If you’re suddenly getting loads of texts, your data has probably been sold on from track-and-trace systems.”


One company supplying the hospitality industry with a QR code-based tracking system is Pub Track and Trace (PUBTT), which states in its privacy policy that by using the system users agree for the company to “make suggestions and recommendations to you about goods or services that may be of interest to you” as well as sharing data with “service providers or regulatory bodies providing fraud prevention services or credit/background checks.”


PUBTT, which works with pubs in England and Wales, also said in its user agreement that it is allowed to “collect, use, store and transfer” data pertaining to people entering certain areas through the use of “time, ID number, and CCTV images”.


A spokesman for the company said: “The data we collect is only for use of the Test and Trace service or where a user has agreed for the venue to use their information for marketing purposes.”


Farage on Coronavirus Policing: Liberties Have been Surrendered, But Getting Freedoms Back May Take Years


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) April 21, 2020


A company that provides track and trace services for restaurants, Ordamo, said that the data it collects is “retained for 25 years”.


The head of privacy at the Fieldfisher law firm, Hazel Grant, said that keeping users data for such a long time period would be “very difficult to justify”.


On September 24th the government mandated that some businesses display an official NHS QR code for the government’s official coronavirus tracking app, however, other businesses such as pubs, restaurants, museums, gyms, and hair salons are still required to record their own customer data.


Following the passage of the requirements, the Executive Director of Open Rights Group, Jim Killock, said: “This Government’s failure to conduct the legally required data safety assessment means that no-one knows how people’s details will be safely and legally collected, stored and protected by bars, restaurants, and coffee shops.


“No-one knows what will happen if things go wrong and this Government doesn’t seem to have thought this through,” he added.


“This Government has had 6 months to fix the test and trace programme and on the eve of the launch of this app one thing is for certain; this Government is flying by the seat of its pants,” Killock concluded.


Your Papers, Please: UK Govt Considering Immunity Passports to Escape Coronavirus Lockdown


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) April 3, 2020

Anonymous ID: a54e2e Oct. 11, 2020, 11:12 a.m. No.11026260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6263 >>6266 >>6268 >>6275 >>6295 >>6299 >>6322 >>6409 >>6425 >>6427 >>6519 >>6559 >>6780 >>6797 >>6825 >>6833 >>6939

NFL to Air ‘National Coming Out Day’ PSA During Sunday Night Football


The NFL is set to celebrate the LGBTQ community’s “National Coming Out Day” during its Sunday Night Football broadcast this weekend.


The campaign, labeled “It Takes All Of Us,” will feature a 30-second video starring openly gay or bisexual NFL players including Ryan O’Callaghan, Jeff Rohrer, R.K. Russell, and Wade Davis. The ad encourages gays to come out and be proud of their sexual proclivities, according to CNN.


The video starts with the aforementioned players saying, “To all current players who are thinking of coming out, when you are ready, so are we.”


The ad then segues to other players offering their support and saying, “It takes all of us, and you deserve to be all you.” The supportive players include Rob Gronkowski, DeAndre Hopkins, and Calais Campbell.


“There has never been a single active player that has come out. While I’m sure I’ve played with LGBTQ+ players — highly skilled, athletic, and effective at their jobs — they did not come out. But they were my teammates and part of the larger NFL family,” NFL Executive Vice President Troy Vincent said of the campaign.


Vincent added that the league’s goal is to support all 1,696 players.


“Anyone in the player community who may be considering coming out, know this — I am committed to serving as a conduit to help you through that journey — either myself, in collaboration with my teammates at the league office, or through the many organizations with whom we partner on LGBTQ+ issues. We have no way of knowing if an active NFL player would choose to come out or what they might experience. What I do know is that I am committed to celebrate, support, and welcome them,” Vincent said.


The NFL will sponsor the “It Takes All Of Us” campaign for the rest of the season. In conjunction with the campaign, all NFL fields will feature end zone stenciling reading “It Takes All of Us” and “End Racism.”

Anonymous ID: a54e2e Oct. 11, 2020, 11:13 a.m. No.11026267   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6287 >>6435 >>6559 >>6825 >>6914 >>6917

Marine Le Pen Rejects New EU Migrant Pact as ‘Suicide of Europe’


French populist National Rally (RN) leader Marine Le Pen has launched a campaign against the new European Union migration and asylum pact, stating it will lead to the “suicide” of Europe.


The new proposal by the European Commission to radically reform the bloc’s asylum policies away from the previous Dublin agreement was put forward at the end of last month and, according to Le Pen, could see as many as 60 to 70 million migrants settling in the EU in the coming years.


“It is an organized plan for the submersion of Europe and the nations that make it up,” Le Pen said Friday at the RN headquarters in the city of Nanterre, broadcaster TV5Monde reports.


Le Pen went on to state that the new pact “will cause the ruin of our social systems, an increase in unemployment, a housing crisis, an increase in delinquency and communitarian conflicts, the advance of Islamism and terrorist risks and the questioning of the values of our civilization.”


She slammed the European Union, stating that it had “entrusted the keys to the Middle East gate to Turkey, which is now blackmailing us in submersion. Today, it is about to open the doors of the House Europe on the Third World. Let’s take back the keys to Europe and France!”


WATCH: Turkey Arms Migrants with Tear Gas, Sends Freed Prisoners to Border, Claims Greek Government


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) March 6, 2020


Le Pen said that she, along with other members do the populist Identity and Democracy (ID) group in the European Parliament, would be campaigning against the new migrant pact, and will launch a petition with the goal of getting around a million signatures.


The comments come after the Visegrád group of Central European nations — Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Poland — also spoke out against the new pact in late September.


“‘Allocation’ or ‘quota’, to change the name, is not enough. Hungary is against it. The basic approach is still unchanged. They [the Commission] would like to manage migration, and not to stop the migrants. The Hungarian position is stop the migrants,” Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán said.


“We have to stop migration and the quotas and relocation. These rules are not acceptable for us,” Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš added.


German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) findings indicate that the Turkish government purposely incited riots at the Greek border by planting members of its security services among crowds of migrants.


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) March 28, 2020

Anonymous ID: a54e2e Oct. 11, 2020, 11:13 a.m. No.11026276   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6287 >>6559 >>6825 >>6914 >>6917

Farage Says Post-Brexit Britain Needs Trump, But Boris Govt ‘Woos’ Biden


Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage tied Britain’s post-Brexit success to the re-election of President Donald Trump, warning that should 77-year-old Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden prevail then the hopes of a British-American free trade deal would be dashed.


The long-time Trump ally said that the 2020 election is feeling like “2016 all over again”, pointing to polls produced by CNN and “other anti-Trump media outlets” showing a lead for the former vice president.


Writing in the Sunday Express, Mr Farage referenced a poll conducted by the same British paper which saw the President leading in battleground states as an indicator that “once again” the mainstream media has got it wrong, quipping: “You might even call it Fake News.”


“Back in 2016, I stuck my neck out and not only backed the Trump campaign but also predicted he would win. This was treated [with] much hilarity at the time from the great and the good. I think that those same people are all in for another shock on November 3,” Farage wrote.


Mr Farage hailed President Trump’s foreign policy successes, in particular the peace agreements signed between Israel and the UAE and Bahrain, as well as keeping the United States out of “more endless wars”.


He also pointed to Trump’s support for Britain and the pro-sovereignty Brexit movement.


Trump: British-American Trade Will Be 'Five Times' Bigger with Post-Brexit Deal


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) July 27, 2019


“Whether you like Trump’s style or not, one thing is for certain; that this is the most Pro-British President for many years. By contrast, Joe Biden was Obama’s deputy when he said Britain would be back of the queue if we dared to vote for Brexit,” the Brexit leader said.


Mr Farage added that Biden “is keener on the relationship with Ireland than he is with us, sees Brexit as a mistake and I do not see any prospect of a free trade deal with the USA under President Joe Biden.”


“The special relationship is vital for post-Brexit Britain and will only be safe in Trump’s hands,” he concluded.


Nigel Farage Predicts Donald Trump Will Win in November — Joe Biden is ‘Wholly Unfit for High Office’


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) August 18, 2020


In contrast to the arch-Brexiteer, ministers in Boris Johnson’s government are reportedly preparing for a Biden victory, with internal computer modelling giving the Deleware Democrat a 70 per cent chance of beating out Trump in the November election.


A senior Tory told The Times that “they’re writing off Trump in No 10 now,” and that Mr Johnson has been warned that Biden could win in a landslide, taking control of the presidency, the Senate, and the House of Representatives in the process.


Fearful of the repercussions of a Biden presidency, members of the British government have reportedly been reaching out to Democrat politicians and Biden allies. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab recently met with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as well as “Biden whisperer” Senator Chris Coons and Democrat Congressman Richard Neal.


The British ambassador to the United States, Karen Pierce, was also said to be “wooing” Biden’s top foreign policy advisors Tony Blinken and Jake Sullivan.


British diplomats have warned that the relationship with the United States under a Biden presidency will be “cool” as a result of Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s previous statements about the Obama administration.

Anonymous ID: a54e2e Oct. 11, 2020, 11:14 a.m. No.11026282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6287 >>6303 >>6308 >>6559 >>6825 >>6939

Monty Python Legend Warns ‘Hate Speech’ Laws ‘Disastrous to the Creative Process’


British comedy titan John Cleese has warned that even more restrictive hate speech laws, such as those proposed by the SNP administration in Scotland, will be “disastrous to the creative process”.


Appearing in an online debate hosted by Dr Simon Knight of the Academy of Ideas, the Monty Python legend was asked about such iconic moments in his career as the (in)famous “don’t mention the war” episode of Fawlty Towers — temporarily memory holed by the BBC-controlled UKTV streaming service earlier this year for “outdated language” — and whether they could be recreated today in a culture in which some judges have ruled that “context is irrelevant” in determining whether or not something constitutes “hate speech”.


“What kind of fetter would that place on the creative juices, the creative process if you had to start thinking everything through three or four times before you say them?” he was asked.


“Well, it’s disastrous to the creative process because the creative process above anything else is a matter of spontaneity,” Cleese said.


“I mean, if you’re going to come out with something really interesting artistically it’s going to come out of your unconscious, and if you’re having to edit everything you say before you say it then nothing it going to happen creatively — and also things that are rather lovely and funny in ordinary conversation, they’re not going to happen either, because everybody’s thinking ‘Ooh, somebody might [be offended]’,” he explained.


Delingpole: John Cleese Is Right that London Isn’t English; His Lefty Critics Are Lying Hypocrites


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) May 30, 2019


Cleese added that he had himself recently been in trouble for referring to someone as “jolly”, being told: “No, no, you can’t say ‘jolly’ now because that means fat.”


“So I looked it up in the dictionary, of course it doesn’t mean fat at all — but to a small number of people it means fat, and therefore they’re trying to control the way I speak because they have a little private rule themselves that it has a completely different meaning from the one I’ve grown up with,” he said.


“This is a sort of oversensitivity, and I think some of it is because of people are trying to feel that they’re very good people; [they] almost sit around waiting to be offended, so that they can [say] Oh, I’ve been offended! Sorry everyone but that’s it, I’ve been offended, and this person who offended me is a very bad person.’ I mean, it’s actually very silly.”


Monty Python Star John Cleese Backs Brexit


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) June 12, 2016

Anonymous ID: a54e2e Oct. 11, 2020, 11:16 a.m. No.11026296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6488 >>6559 >>6825 >>6939

Biden, Dems Accuse GOP Of ‘Court-Packing’ For Filling Vacancies, Confirming Conservative Judges


Democratic nominee Joe Biden, left-leaning activists, and sympathetic media figures are now pressing the idea that Republicans filling vacancies on the Federal court and confirming conservative judges constitutes “court-packing,” despite such actions having nothing to do with actually “packing” the Supreme Court.


After dodging questions on whether he supports adding seats to the Supreme Court in order to counteract conservative influence, especially if judge Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed in the next several weeks, Biden accused Republicans of “unconstitutional” behavior and “packing” the court themselves.


“The only court-packing that’s going on right now is going on with Republicans,” Biden insisted.


Court-packing, of course, has a very specific definition. As the Daily Wire noted Sunday, the practice, which originated with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt through the Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937, involves appointing “up to six additional justices to the Supreme Court for every justice older than 70 years, 6 months, who had served 10 years or more.”


“The U.S. Constitution set up America’s high court but did not establish how many justices should serve, leaving that up to Congress,” the Daily Wire’s Joseph Curl noted. “The Judiciary Act of 1789 put the number at six; that number rose to seven in 1807 and to nine in 1837. The number rose to 10 in 1863, then dropped back down to seven in 1866. In 1869, Congress raised the number of justices to nine, where it has stood ever since.”


But Democrats are now pressing the line that confirming judges to open seats — particularly conservative judges — constitutes “court-packing,” and the memo has gone out not only to competing politicos but also to left-leaning activists and sympathetic media figures.


Sam Berger, the vice-president of the far-left Center for American Progress, tried to establish “conservative court-packing” with a chart comparing how many judges former President Barack Obama appointed in comparison to how many President Donald Trump confirmed with the aid of a friendly Senate led by Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY).


“Conservative court-packing in one chart,” Berger claimed. “Conservatives’ stealth court-packing plan[.] Step 1: Steal seats by blocking confirmation of judges until WH and Senate are under conservative control. Step 2: Change the rules to appoint the most partisan conservative judges at breakneck speed.”


That’s still, of course, not “court-packing.” Garland did not receive a hearing, paving the way for Trump to appoint his own Justice immediately upon taking office, but to a vacant — not additional — Supreme Court seat.


The Washington Post’s Ruth Marcus went one step further, suggesting that not only was Trump prohibited from filling the seat left empty by Justice Antonin Scalia’s untimely death but that Trump was not “entitled” to fill the seat left vacant by Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement.

Anonymous ID: a54e2e Oct. 11, 2020, 11:18 a.m. No.11026324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6559 >>6825 >>6914 >>6917

Housing secretary Robert Jenrick will be granted power to block removal of statues as government fights back against woke campaigners 'bullying' local officials into wiping out Britain's heritage


It would mark the first legal intervention by the Government

It comes after the BLM protests called for a reevaluation of British monuments

Many figures featured in statues have links to slavery and colonial history


Prime Minister Boris Johnson is to hand a cabinet minister the power to veto the removal of statues and monuments to help fight back against woke campaigners and 'bullying' local officials.


Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick would have the final say on what statues and memorials could be removed from public view.


The decision currently sits with the local councils.


If the move goes ahead, it would mark the Government's first legal intervention in the wake of a public reconsideration of Britain's monuments and statues.


Many statues of figures with alleged links to slavery have been targeted by Black Lives Matter protesters since the killing of black man George Floyd in the US.

Anonymous ID: a54e2e Oct. 11, 2020, 11:21 a.m. No.11026344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6362 >>6379 >>6390

“Homeschooling isn’t an “experiment” People were learning at home for thousands of years. Factory schooling is the experiment. And that experiment is in trouble.”


Famed media theorist Marshall McLuhan summarized the modern education system thusly: (paraphrased)


Prior to the industrial revolution, life was ‘organic’. You rose with the sun, did chores (98% of people worked in agriculture), ate when you were hungry, did more work, maybe played a bit, went to bed when the sun went down.


After the industrial revolution, life now moved to the music of the machines. Children had to be taken from their organic lives, and be taught the new mechanistic mores. The public school exactly mimiced the new factories: you sit down at a bell, you get up at a bell, you eat at a bell, you go back to work at a bell, you go home at a bell. The ‘education’ the child had to receive was that their natural lives were gone; now they had to submit to bells. If you think of the modern school system as designed to turn out obedient working stiffs, you’re not far wrong.


That’s also why public schools hate students who question the authorities. They make for bad workers.

Anonymous ID: a54e2e Oct. 11, 2020, 11:23 a.m. No.11026372   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6559 >>6825 >>6939

Far-left Portland mayoral candidate praises Joe Biden for saying, 'Antifa is an idea'


Far-left Portland mayoral candidate Sarah Iannarone praised Joe Biden for his comment about Antifa from the first presidential debate, where he said, "Antifa's an idea, not an organization." This comes at a time when Iannarone leads incumbent Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler (D) by double digits.


The eye-opening statement was made during Thursday night's debate between the candidates running for Portland mayor. KGW-TV anchor and debate moderator Laural Porter asked Iannarone, "You've been called the 'Antifa Mayor.' Are you Antifa and how would that guide how you would handle protests as mayor?"


Iannarone responded, "I love that Joe Biden answered this question before me, because being opposed to fascism in 2020 is not something to be embarrassed about."


"I have a bumper sticker from the beginning of my campaign that says #EverydayAntifascist," Iannarone said. "And what I have tried to do is normalize peaceful responses to the rise of white nationalism by organizing in my community."


"This summer when the Proud Boys came to town, I organized a menstrual product drive for my neighbors residing in the women's center," the Portland mayoral candidate answered. "Because the answer toxic masculinity is an inclusive, pluralist society where people of all backgrounds feel welcome."


When she is asked if she is "Antifa," Iannarone replied, "Antifa is not anything more than an idea, that's what vice president Biden explained to us. It's people who oppose anti-fascism. And I strongly oppose anti-fascism and I adopt and implement peaceful responses to that. And that is how I describe my position on this issue."


"Donald Trump has decided to make the enemy of groups of people who oppose his bullies and his militia forces," she continued. "But I'm not going to be caught up in that rhetoric because it's false. It creates division in our society. It creates division in our city. What we need is every single Portlander faced in the right direction, saying 'Hate is not welcome here.'"


Last year, Iannarone declared, "I am antifa. I stand proudly beside the good people of this city organizing in countless ways every day to oppose hate in its myriad forms."


There is no shortage of footage from Portland of rioters, who appear to be Antifa supporters, causing massive damage to the city and businesses.

Anonymous ID: a54e2e Oct. 11, 2020, 11:28 a.m. No.11026417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6508 >>6559 >>6727 >>6825 >>6939

Head of Operation Warp Speed: The Goal Is To Immunize The U.S. Population By 2021


The head of President Donald Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” says the ultimate goal is to vaccinate the entire population of the United States by 2021. There is also going to be a push to propagandize this vaccine and “educate” the public into compliance.


Top health experts working to “educate the public” (use propaganda) about the complex vaccine approval and distribution process joined in a Tuesday webinar in which the head of Operation Warp Speed said its goal is to immunize the American population against COVID-19 by 2021.


Bill Gates: The U.S. Should “Brainstorm” Ways To Reduce “Vaccine Hesitancy”


“Our mission is to deliver approved vaccines to the American people before the end of the year, and in enough quantities so as to immunize the U.S. population potentially by 2021 or slightly later,” said Moncef Slaoui, chief adviser of Operation Warp Speed, the federal public-private partnership aimed at creating a vaccine.


Slaoui said the process of stockpiling millions of vaccine doses already has begun, and in November tens of millions of doses of each of the eight Operation Warp Speed vaccine candidates will be stockpiled. –Boston Herald


FDA Commissioner Is Willing To Skip Phase 3 Trials On COVID-19 Vaccine


Trump Administration Is Stockpiling 3 Different Types Of COVID-19 Vaccines


Time is almost up. The vaccine will be here soon, and please don’t delude yourself into somehow believe this will be “voluntary”. If you don’t “voluntarily” take the vaccine, you will be punished, and they’ve already rolled out medical journals to show just how harshly that punishment will be.


Medical Journal: Get The COVID-19 Vaccine, Or Be Punished HARSHLY


“I’m amazed, actually, to just take a step back and realize that the sequence of this virus was described on Jan. 23, 2020, which is less than 10 months ago, and we’re sitting here talking about programs in phase three trials,” Slaoui said.


Pay attention to this vaccine rollout. This won’t stop and you will be put in a position to either refuse or take the vaccine. Just know that there will be consequences to both. Brace yourselves for this winter. We have a vaccine coming around the time of what’s already been promised to be a chaotic election, at best.

Anonymous ID: a54e2e Oct. 11, 2020, 11:35 a.m. No.11026505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6512 >>6530 >>6559 >>6612 >>6628 >>6825 >>6939

CNN’s Jake Tapper Blasts Biden’s Comms Director After She Falsely Claims Confirming ACB to SCOTUS Would be “Unconstitutional”


You know it’s bad when CNN blasts Biden’s campaign.


Biden’s communications director twisted herself into a pretzel trying to explain why confirming Amy Cony Barrett to the Supreme Court is somehow “unconstitutional.”


It’s not.


Jake Tapper blasted Biden’s comms director on Sunday during her appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union.”


“[Biden] says it’s not constitutional what they’re doing. How is it not constitutional what they’re doing?” Tapper asked.


“The vast majority of the people say that they want the person who wins the election on November 3rd to nominate the justice,” Biden’s comms director said.


“That’s a poll! That’s not the constitution!” Tapper replied.


Jake Tapper repeatedly pushed back on Biden’s comms director’s lies.


Biden is in big trouble with his refusal to answer the court packing question if even CNN is pushing back!



Joe Biden was confronted again on Saturday on whether he would pack the Supreme Court.


Biden once again dodged the question then claimed it’s the Republicans who are packing the court!


In fact, Biden said voters “don’t deserve” to know his position on court packing


Joe Biden’s refusal to answer whether he will alter a branch of government should disqualify him from the race, but we don’t have a real media.


“The only court packing going on right now is going on with Republicans packing the court right now … I’m going to stay focused on it so we don’t take our eyes off the ball here.”


Filling a vacant SCOTUS seat is not “packing the court” — adding more seats to the Supreme Court, which Biden and Harris will do in order to overthrow the highest court of the land with Marxists is packing the court.

Anonymous ID: a54e2e Oct. 11, 2020, 11:36 a.m. No.11026517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6559 >>6825 >>6939

Australian government: “NO JAB, NO PAY”



Absolutely extraordinary.



— Newton Peter Clarke 💎 #KBF 🇬🇧 (@NewtonClarkeUK) October 9, 2020


‘No Jab No Pay is an Australian policy initiative which withholds three state payments – Child Care Benefit, the Child Care Rebate and Family Tax Benefit – for parents of children under 20 years of age who are not fully immunised or on a recognised catch-up schedule, and imposes fines on childcare centres that admit unvaccinated children.’,_No_Pay

Anonymous ID: a54e2e Oct. 11, 2020, 11:37 a.m. No.11026537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6559 >>6825 >>6939

They are going to steal it. And if you speak out against it, Twitter, Facebook, and Google will ensure no-one hears your message.

Anonymous ID: a54e2e Oct. 11, 2020, 11:40 a.m. No.11026574   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6729 >>6825 >>6939

James Murdoch says he quit his father's media empire because it was 'legitimizing disinformation' and slams 'crazy' Trump for 'infecting the US with cruelty' and downplaying COVID


James Murdoch has said he quit his father's media empire because it was 'legitimizing disinformation' and slammed 'crazy' Trump for 'infecting the US with cruelty' and downplaying COVID-19.


The youngest son of media mogul Rupert Murdoch and his second wife Anna told the New York Times about his decision to break free from the family business, saying he 'pulled the rip cord' because he was 'increasingly uncomfortable' with News Corp and Fox 'legitimizing disinformation' and denying climate change.


In a major departure from his father's Fox business which has long been an ally of the president, Murdoch also blasted Trump's 'craziness' for denying the dangers of the pandemic and said 'it's no coincidence the number of hate crimes in this country are rising' since he entered the White House. Murdoch, 47, sensationally quit the board of News Corp at the end of July citing 'disagreements over certain editorial content published by the company's news outlets'.


News Corp is one of the two major media conglomerates owned by the Murdoch family, the other being Fox Corporation, which was established after The Walt Disney Company acquired the majority of 21st Century Fox last year.


The empire and the dramas going on among family members has been an inspiration for the popular TV show 'Succession'.


Murdoch told the Times it was 'not that hard a decision' to stand down from News Corp because of major disagreements with his father and brother Lachlan over the running of the business.


He accused the news organization of 'hid[ing] agendas', 'sow[ing] doubt' and 'obscur[ing] fact' to its audience at a time when Trump has blasted other outlets for spreading so-called fake news while often heaping praise on conservative outlet Fox.


'I reached the conclusion that you can venerate a contest of ideas, if you will, and we all do and that's important,' he told the Times.


'But it shouldn't be in a way that hides agendas. A contest of ideas shouldn't be used to legitimize disinformation.


'And I think it's often taken advantage of. And I think at great news organizations, the mission really should be to introduce fact to disperse doubt - not to sow doubt, to obscure fact, if you will.'


Murdoch said he became 'increasingly uncomfortable' with the inner workings at the company and so 'pulled the rip cord.'


'I just felt increasingly uncomfortable with my position on the board having some disagreements over how certain decisions are being made,' he said.


'So it was actually not that hard a decision to remove myself and have a kind of cleaner slate.'


Murdoch said he felt he couldn't change the company from the inside and so no longer wanted to be associated with it.

Anonymous ID: a54e2e Oct. 11, 2020, 11:44 a.m. No.11026604   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6617 >>6626 >>6750 >>6825 >>6914 >>6917

Israel will oppose any US F-35 sale to Qatar, Israeli minister says


Israel will oppose any US sale of F-35 warplanes to Qatar, Israel’s intelligence minister said on Sunday, citing a need to maintain Israeli military superiority in the region, Reuters reports.


Intelligence Minister Eli Cohen made the comments on Israeli Army Radio when asked about a Reuters report that Qatar had submitted a formal request to Washington to buy stealthy F-35 fighter jets.


Asked whether Israel would oppose such a sale, Cohen said: “The answer is yes. Our security and military superiority in the region are the most significant things for us. Our region has still not turned into Switzerland.”


The Qatari request follows an August deal between the US and the United Arab Emirates in which Washington agreed to consider giving the Gulf state approval to buy F-35s in a side deal to a US-brokered agreement called the Abraham Accord to normalise diplomatic ties with Israel.

Anonymous ID: a54e2e Oct. 11, 2020, 11:48 a.m. No.11026655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6682 >>6825 >>6939

Hoping to outdo Trump’s ‘miracle cure,’ Israelis develop new antibody cocktail


US president took lab-made cocktail reportedly based on antibodies of mice and humans; Tel Aviv team says its version uses only human antibodies, potentially boosting reliability


Israeli scientists have developed an antibody cocktail to fight the coronavirus, and suggest it may be more reliable than the injection that Donald Trump is hailing as miraculous.


The US president’s treatments for the coronavirus reportedly included an experimental cocktail of artificially made antibodies being developed by the drug maker Regeneron. He likened treatments he received for the coronavirus to “miracles coming down from God,” shining a spotlight on antibody cocktails, despite an attempt by his top infectious diseases adviser, Dr. Anthony Fauci, to temper his praise.


But while the antibodies given to Trump are reportedly based, in part, on those produced by a mouse, Tel Aviv University researchers say they have developed and lab-tested a similar cocktail that is based entirely on human antibodies.


“Our antibodies are something very similar to what President Trump received,” immunologist Natalia Freund told The Times of Israel. “The difference is that the cocktail he received was reportedly based in part on antibodies produced by genetically modified mice, while these are based on human antibodies, which means that, in terms of safety, stability and lower likelihood of adverse effects, there are advantages.”

Anonymous ID: a54e2e Oct. 11, 2020, 11:49 a.m. No.11026672   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bill Gates & CNN prep public for end of 2021 "new normal" reset


Bill Gates Says Life Will Only Return to “Normal” at the End of 2021 When There’s a Corona Vaccine

Anonymous ID: a54e2e Oct. 11, 2020, 11:52 a.m. No.11026702   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6766 >>6825 >>6914 >>6917

Coons says that confirming Barrett 'constitutes court-packing,' Sasse responds that's 'obviously' incorrect


Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on Barrett are set to start Monday


Senate Judiciary Committee member Sen. Chris Coons said on Sunday that the Senate moving to confirm President Trump's Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett "constitutes court-packing," and called the nominee's views "disqualifying."


Coons, D-Del., made the comments during an interview with "Fox News Sunday" host Chris Wallace. Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., also spoke with Wallace Sunday.


"I'm going to be laying out the ways in which Judge Barrett's views … are not just extreme, they're disqualifying," Coons said of Democrats' strategy for Barrett's hearings. "It constitutes court-packing."


Court-packing's traditional definition is expanding the Supreme Court by law and then confirming justices to those seats, not what Republicans are doing, which is filling a naturally occurring vacancy. Sasse shot back that Coons' definition of court-packing was "obviously" incorrect and accused the Democrat of using "Orwellian" language.


"Claiming that court-packing is filling open vacancies that obviously isn't what court-packing means," Sasse said. He also called it "grotesque" that Joe Biden is refusing to answer the "really basic question" of whether or not he will support court-packing as president. Biden has been asked many times his stance on the issue and has refused to answer one way or another. Biden Friday was asked whether or not voters "deserve to know" if he would pack the court, to which he responded, "[n]o they don't."


"What they're really talking about is the suicide bombing two branches of government," Sasse added, noting that if Senate Democrats should they get a majority and Joe Biden be elected president were to attempt to pack the Supreme Court they would likely have to do away with the legislative filibuster as well.

Anonymous ID: a54e2e Oct. 11, 2020, 11:55 a.m. No.11026747   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6825 >>6939

Exposure of abuses in Russia probe boosts new film 'The Plot Against the President'


"If the media did its job, there'd be no reason to have this movie," filmmaker Amanda Milius says of her documentary slamming the press and select Democrats for what it views as a political conspiracy against President Trump.


Director Amanda Milius offers a blunt reason why she left the Trump administration to resume her budding film career.


"If the media did its job, there'd be no reason to have this movie," Milius says of "The Plot Against the President," her documentary slamming the press and select Democrats for what it argues was a political assault against President Donald Trump.


The just-released film, based on the book of the same name by Lee Smith, contends the Russian collusion accusations came not from Team Trump's misdeeds but from a cabal of D.C. insiders, known to Trump supporters as the "deep state."


The movie is available now via two streaming outlets linked to from the film's website, and it's expected to be available on Amazon, iTunes, Vimeo and select theaters in the coming days.


The film's central thesis enjoyed a sizable boost in recent months due to newly released documents tied to the Russia collusion narrative.


In May, we learned that the FBI knew as early as January 2017 that it had no credible evidence Trump's campaign colluded with Moscow. The investigation continued for another two-plus years all the same.


More recently, documents suggested Hillary Clinton might have created the "Russian Collusion" narrative to distract from her own e-mail scandal.


Milius is the daughter of John Milius, famed screenwriter ("Apocalypse Now," "Jeremiah Johnson") and director ("Red Dawn," "Conan the Barbarian"), and actress Celia Kaye. She grew up on movie sets and continued her film education at the University of Southern California's famed film school.


A certain real estate mogul's ascent convinced her to change career paths, at least in the short term. Milius was winding down her festival tour for her USC thesis short "The Lotus Gun" when she volunteered for Trump's 2016 campaign in Nevada


"Even though it was such a political climate I couldn't talk about it with anyone in L.A. in my immediate circle, it was so exciting," she recalls. "I wanted to be in it. The campaign hired me, then I just stayed. I didn't consciously make a decision. I got sucked into it."


She ended up as the deputy assistant secretary for content in the State Department's Bureau of Global Public Affairs, her film career officially on pause until she picked up Smith's 2019 book. She eventually optioned it in manuscript form last summer and began plotting her feature film debut.


"It's a giant hoax," she says of the collusion narrative, spreading blame from the media to "half the intel community and the various deep state players who think they know better than the American people."

Anonymous ID: a54e2e Oct. 11, 2020, 11:57 a.m. No.11026773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6804 >>6825 >>6914 >>6917

Rabbi Lau releases guide for religious LGBTQ+ Jews: Not good to be alone


The document is meant to provide guidance on relationships and families of members of the religious LGBTQ+ community which has been severely lacking from religious literature, explained Lau.


“Only on one thing, is it said in the Torah, [is that it’s] ‘not good’: ‘It is not good for man to be alone.’ (Bereshit 2:18)” wrote Rabbi Benny Lau in a post introducing a new document he has authored on advice and guidance for religious LGBTQ+ Jews.


The document is intended to provide guidance on relationships for families of members of the religious LGBTQ+ community which has been severely lacking from religious literature, explained Lau.


Lau wrote the document with guidance from additional rabbis and members of the LGBTQ+ community. He stressed that this is not a “book of Jewish Law” that needs to be taken as if written in stone, but it is a collection of recommendations that do not permit prohibitions or prohibit things that are permitted.

“It seeks to pave a possible way of life within the reality of life. It is an encounter between the world of ideas and the world of reality, between the eye that rises to the sky and the encounter with the person who lives in my environment,” wrote Lau.


“Our religious world is always built of these two levels: the ideal Torah level and the reality of the world as it is.”

“Those who want to worship God in the world in its entirety should get used to holding in his hands both the ideal Torah and reality and live with both,” added Lau.


“It is always more difficult, often leaving us unanswered, incomprehensible and sometimes frightened by the gap between heaven and earth.”


Lau added that he hoped that as more and more people read the document, their comments and thoughts would help fix and adjust it. The document is split into four parts, discussing coming out of the closet, relationships, marriage and family.


In the first part, Lau encouraged those who feel comfortable to come out in at least some way, as a positive step. But he stressed that this was a decision that must be left to each individual.


In the second part, Lau stressed that while the heterosexual family is definitely the ideal in the Torah, the world is not ideal and relationships need to fit each individual person.