Anonymous ID: c8e875 Oct. 11, 2020, 11:50 a.m. No.11026685   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6825 >>6939

Twitter is Censoring #Obamagate and #Russiagate Hashtags


More electioneering by Twitter–


Twitter is the latest tech giant caught playing defense for Joe Biden and Kamala and censoring President Trump.


Obviously, Twitter does not want you to know the truth.


In a Gateway Pundit exclusive Twitter was caught censoring #Obamagate and #Russiagate after new documents released this week show President Obama was briefed on the Russia Collusion spying scandal and approved of the unprecedented spying on the Trump campaign while knowing Hillary Clinton was behind the preposterous scandal.


However, using it can be seen that this hashtag had over 25,000 hits per hour this morning, and hundreds of thousands of hits over the day.


This is not a coincidence.


Given the news Thursday regarding the potentially illegal spying on the Trump campaign by Obama and Clinton the term has been used thousands of times but is not showing up.


Here are side-by-side comparisons of the screenshots. One shows “#Obamagate” deleted from the search results.


And the second image which is rather breathtaking shows how Twitter has deleted #Obamagate over the last 24 hours..



Anonymous ID: c8e875 Oct. 11, 2020, 11:59 a.m. No.11026795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6829


The JQ thread was spammed by the Namefag shill "Jon James Pratt" shill who posts 50+ "posts" in each bread which are all screen caps of his Twatter stream from 2 years ago.


This asshole does the same thing on all the International threads too. He's trying to dominate and block out the UK, German, Canadian, every thread that has anons using it.


"Jon James Pratt" tried to spam his shit on this Qresearch General,once or twice, but stopped because he couldn't drown this Main Qanons bread because it's the most active, with hundreds of anons posting.


He tries to be the "big fish in a tiny pond" because he cannot be even a "tiny fish in the big and fast Q General thread.

Anonymous ID: c8e875 Oct. 11, 2020, 12:05 p.m. No.11026863   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Calling out the Jewish ORGANIZED CRIMINAL Cabal is NOT "maligning all Jews".


This is the main excuse that the Jewish shills and Jew apologists use to Deflect and Gaslight you into a defensive position.




That's the same as "maligning ALLLLLL da Jews!'''

So you Dumb Goyim better STAY SILENT or we'll accuse you of "anti-semitism" !!



Anonymous ID: c8e875 Oct. 11, 2020, 12:14 p.m. No.11026957   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yet another tiresome Jew attempting to use "Christianity" against anons here.


So long winded, defending Jews and Israel - IGNORING the Truth about the Enemies of America that even Q has dropped about.


Ignoring the MASSIVE JEWISH SUBVERSION of America, even violating our First Amendment…'


Hmmmm…. sounds fishy, very fishy