Anonymous ID: c97139 Oct. 11, 2020, 11:08 a.m. No.11026226   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6234 >>6241 >>6246 >>6258 >>6288 >>6411 >>6444 >>6863

(1 of 2… Maybe of 3)


Some of you won't like this, but I don't give a sh*t:

I owe many REAL Jews, and some others, an apology.

I apologize for being hasty to malign the whole lot of you. I wanted to be on the side of good, no matter what. And I believed you ALL to be evil. I was wrong.

When I was censored/banned for legitimate criticism of Israel, on r/TheDonald, I wandered into the r/AltRight subreddit by chance. I asked them, "What's the deal with the Jews, I cannot bring myself to hate another, just because they have a different religion" (Or something like that). They "effort-posted" on me, for like 4 hours following this. Gave me the "JQ", so to speak. I was taken back by the fact many were well-researched and bright. I realized most of them were not "racist" or "supremacist" at all, but were merely concerned for the well-being of their people and their families. And I thought to myself… "Wow, these are the actual good guys"… Coincidentally, I was also falling into this movement around the same time (shortly after the 2016 section). And, I'm quite embarrassed by what I promoted on our boards… /pol/, /cbts/, and /qresearch/… I was with you all from the beginning of this, yet not really with you at all, as I was ignorant and not seeing the forrest through the trees.

It's pretty easy to find evil and wrong-doing in a group, when you are looking for it. When I looked into Jewish wrong-doings and history, I found much to be concerned about. I found much that was certainly, evil, by anyone's definition. I became somewhat obsessed with "knowing my enemy". I was even emboldened by statements from Q like, "We're saving Israel for last" (which now means something entirely different to me) and the "MOS" post, which may have referred to to Mssad. I learned about Israeli involvement in 9/11, blood-letting ceremonies, the Talmud, Baal-worship and FAR more. At this stage in my "red-pilling", I went HARD through what we all know as, the "anger-phase"… "Not on my watch, you bstards", I would say to myself, as I set-out to expose them all. I was pissed off, to say the least. I embraced men like Richard Spencer and the like. I remember being awe-struck by Spencer in particular, as I had never seen anyone so boldly defend white people (and let's face it, we DO get shit on a lot, as of late). So this was refreshing and welcoming to me. While I never joined any gang or attended a WN rally, I certainly took to the cause, online. I even joined the online membership for "Identity Europa", and became a friend to many online groups on Reddit, Discord, etc… I formed my own online groups via Reddit and elsewhere, also. Many of you would recognize a pseudonym name I used for over a year, I'm certain. (I cast a wide net). I taught what I had learned, to EVERYONE. I myself never considered myself, "racist" (which I understand as a hatred for someone simply because they are of a different race), or "supremacist" (which I understand as a desire to rule over others, and see my own race as superior). Though, I certainly threw around slurs like, "nigger", "kike", etc. I felt that harsh-rhetoric would be better, than an eventual armed conflict with these people. I even got kinda "Nazi-ish" for a bit, referred to myself as a "White Nationalist", created WN music, and aligned with many as such. I even planned to write a book about it all. I rationalized, if the Jews were the "bad guys", the Nazis must have been the "good guys". I hated these people for what they had done. I listened to men like, David Cole, regarding the holocaust (which I still believe is far overblown in scope and death-toll), I was reading Ragnar Redbeard (very anti-Christian), Kevin MacDonald and more. I listened to Jared Taylor (whom I still have a great deal of respect for) Nathan Damigo (who I believe is an agent of some type now), and many more of the like. I wanted to make sure everyone knew who the true enemy was, but I was very wrong… I don't beat myself up over it now (or the men I followed), as it is a very complex matter to fully understand, and it was easy to deceive myself (and perhaps others) regarding my lack of perspective of the bigger picture. I never trolled/attacked (online only) any Jews who I did not identify as doing evil. But, still I blanket-cast the entire group… This was a mistake.

Anonymous ID: c97139 Oct. 11, 2020, 11:08 a.m. No.11026234   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6246 >>6273 >>6288 >>6847 >>6957



(2 of 3)


However, being led astray as I was, taught me a great deal of things. I learned a lot about symbolism, on both sides of the fence. I began to see common threads in what I believed to be Judaism, and Nazism. For instance, the "star of David" and the "Swastika", both being representations of the "star of Remphan/Saturn/The Black Sun". I even had a "Sonnenrad" proudly displayed on my electric-guitar. Still can't get that f*cker entirely off… Good adhesive on that thing).

Long story short, I began to notice there were many Jews who rejected the "star of Remphan" on the flag of Israel. "Why?", I asked myself. Were these Jews different? I became concerned by what I read in books by Christopher Jon Bjerkness, calling Hitler a "Bolshevik", and showing his alignment with Swiss-Zionists, his creation of the state of Israel, and such. (And of course, the Rothschild-grandfather thing became a big question-mark.) I began to understand the common threads in nearly all evil groups on the planet… Satanism/Saturnalia/Set-worship/etc… I noticed "Jewish" rabbis would wear a black-cube on their foreheads when doing prayers… I noticed the black-cube, Kaaba, in Mecca, Islam's most "holy" site… I noticed the cross, a tool of torture for our LORD, and how it's arms could be folded in to form a cube… I noticed the hexagon storm on the pole of Saturn (A cube turned at an angle looks like a hexagon)… I noticed MANY religions, organizations and more had been subverted by this evil. Perhaps, I still do not know my enemy, and will have further revelations in the future, however, I know I'm getting warmer, and warmer, and warmer…

I am a leader. Always have been and always will be. And I am ashamed that I led many astray. I used for talents and abilities for the wrong purpose, and may have even hindered this movement in the process. I intend to make that right. To make a mends. And I ask that those who I maligned, please forgive me. I do repent. My understanding of "repentance" comes from the Greek translation, "Metanoia"… "Meta", denoting a transformation/transmutation… And, "Noia", meaning mind… I have made an honest transformation of the mind. I have repented of my "evil" ways. And I'm not going back to them. Please forgive me for my short-sightedness. I like to think I'm a "smart guy", but I am not perfect and have my faults, as we all do.

I believe we are a part of something great here, frens. And, such great endeavors ought to inspire us all to be better men and woman. While, I because a shadow of the man I should have become, initially. I am a better man, today. That means something to me. And, I hope it means something to you. The Bible teaches us to be "wise as serpents and harmless as doves" and to "love our enemies". I did not understand or heed these words previously. And though I may stray on occasion in the future, I keep these words close to my heart now. I believe if we abide in Truth and in Christs love, we will always be led back to God. Who is good. And apart from our LORD, nothing good can come from us. Its for this reason, I credit this turn around to our the LORD, to the Spirit of Truth, and ultimately to God. This relationship is like a ranking and structure. Jesus (the vine) abides in God's (the winegrower) love and we ought to abide in Christ and in Truth. We are the body of Christ (the branches). This is the reality of our relationship with Jesus. With Him, all things are possible. With Him, we have a direct-line of communication with the source, God. However, apart from Him, we can do nothing. Just like a branch that has fallen off a vine and can no longer commune with the vine, or it's roots, nor be sustained by what they provide to their branches.

Anonymous ID: c97139 Oct. 11, 2020, 11:10 a.m. No.11026246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6251 >>6253 >>6288 >>6298 >>6338 >>6399 >>6518 >>6771 >>6905




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Regarding those, "who say they are Jews and are not", you are like those, "who say they are Christian and are not", or, "who say they are Muslim and are not"… You are a synagogue of Satan, as our Bible tells us. And my LORD and I, we are still going to expose every one of you, and lay you low with the Sword of God. The word of God. In the end, NO ONE ESCAPES.

Why do we "love our enemies"? Consider the "Chinese rice-experiments", the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto, the epigenetic effect of the spoken word on our DNA, the electro-magnetic toroidal field created by our state of being… Jesus did not teach us garbage. He taught us truth.

I believe that one day, we will embrace our most feared and hated enemies in Heaven. And we will rejoice to love them, knowing we have all be transformed for the better. I truly believe this. Though, some will be called "great" in heaven, and some called, "least".

WWG1WGA… This means something far bigger to me now.

We all make mistakes, and none of us is perfect… But I believe it's what we do in light of recognizing these mistakes that matters most. I hope to never let you all down again. Please forgive me. And to my President, and his wonderful family. I am sorry. I didn't know what I was doing. Please forgive me.


Thanks for reading, frens.

Anonymous ID: c97139 Oct. 11, 2020, 11:20 a.m. No.11026337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6349


Who said ANYTHING about a church???


READ, anon… READ.


I don't attend any church. I carry a Bible tho ;)


You should too. "Q" could never share as much truth as is contained in that book, in a lifetime. (Not to say I don't appreciate everything Q has done here, just saying).

Anonymous ID: c97139 Oct. 11, 2020, 11:32 a.m. No.11026468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6677



Explain how aligning with those who stand for what is good, and against those who do evil, is being a "traitor"… And then I will explain how you are the "traitor", who betrays every single one of us in this group.

Anonymous ID: c97139 Oct. 11, 2020, 11:33 a.m. No.11026490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6497



Try harder… Mossad is as corrupt as the CIGay… Unit 8200, BlackCube, etc…


You only think you know me, "Anon".


Do your research, or piss-off back to Facebook.

Anonymous ID: c97139 Oct. 11, 2020, 11:36 a.m. No.11026522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6654



Yeah, except I'm Christian… Always have been, always will be. I carry with me a NRSV of the Bible given to me by my Methodist church, I went to as a child.


You seem mad that I am so.


It's to be expected. No one cares what liars have to say. You remember that.

Anonymous ID: c97139 Oct. 11, 2020, 11:38 a.m. No.11026551   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Sounds like you want the blind to lead the blind…


WAKE UP… This is a fight between GOOD & EVIL… We are not fighting any single nation, religion or organization.


One day, "You'll see".

Anonymous ID: c97139 Oct. 11, 2020, 11:41 a.m. No.11026577   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6739 >>6935



EXACTLY… Jesus did not start a church. Though he had many followers, and still does… He said to abide in the Truth. To abide in his love. And to love our enemies. He taught us the "kingdom of heaven is among us".


Did you hear me endorse a church, Anon? Logic… use it.

Anonymous ID: c97139 Oct. 11, 2020, 11:45 a.m. No.11026621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6650



Then enlighten us, Anon… Tell us what Jesus taught, as different from our Bibles… Pssshh


(And yes, I'm aware and have read MANY apocryphal texts, including the book of Enoch and the Gospel of Thomas).


If you know something we don't, share it… Give freely, as you have received freely.

Anonymous ID: c97139 Oct. 11, 2020, 11:48 a.m. No.11026661   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Although, I was not "kowtowing"… I was apologizing for ingnorantly leading my fellow anons astray. And contributing to deception on our boards.


Accountability and integrity are a thing, anon…

Anonymous ID: c97139 Oct. 11, 2020, 12:02 p.m. No.11026818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6834 >>6867



Nah don't pray against them? Jesus never taught that garbage… PRAY FOR THEM.


Did you know that sound is energy? Negative frequencies of sound are represented by "slow and low pitched" sounds, indicated by rolling sine waves. Positive frequencies of sound are represented by "fast and high pitched", indicated by "choppy" sine wives.


Consider these two images… Imagine the one laid over the other.


The energy of sound, energizes our DNA, however slow and low frequencies will only target a select few of the repeating GCAT lines of code in our DNA. However, fast and high positive frequencies will energize nearly all of the lines of code in DNA.


"Love you enemies", means something… It "heals" our enemies, when we speak love them, and/or speak positively to them. It begins a process of transformation.


There is a reason many who are harmed and abused as children often end up becoming abusers themselves. And there is a reason children who are loved, often grow up to lead more positive lives.


Love your enemies, anon. There is more to it than meets the eye.

Anonymous ID: c97139 Oct. 11, 2020, 12:08 p.m. No.11026889   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6925 >>6965

Many of the answers Anons are seeking can be answered by reading the Bible… I'm not saying that to be a "Bible-fag", or "Christ-cuck", but because it's the truth.


1 Samuel 5, will teach you about "Dagon" and the Catholic Church, in a. deeper way. Acts 7:43 will teach you about the star of Remphan, etc…




"Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch and the star of your god Remphan. Images which you made to worship. And I will carry you away beyond Babylon." -Acts 7:43