Anonymous ID: 4d699d Oct. 11, 2020, 1:28 p.m. No.11027782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7835 >>8120 >>8312 >>8315 >>8366 >>8418

Senator Introduces Resolution Condemning Pelosi for Comments on 25th Amendment


Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) said she will introduce a resolution condemning House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) for “politicizing the 25th Amendment” after the California Democrat last week announced a bill to create a “Commission on President Capacity” to determine whether the 25th Amendment would be needed.


Pelosi, who has repeatedly questioned Trump’s fitness in office after he was diagnosed with the CCP virus, claimed the legislation was not about Trump. Republicans and Trump also said she is trying to politicize the amendment with just weeks to go before the Nov. 3 election.

Anonymous ID: 4d699d Oct. 11, 2020, 1:29 p.m. No.11027804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7815 >>7819 >>7879 >>7985 >>8120 >>8315 >>8418

Lindsey Graham Challenger Breaks Fundraising Record With $57 Million


South Carolina’s Senate race is expensive. Jaime Harrison is challenging incumbent Lindsey Graham, and the democratic nominee raised over $57 million in the last quarter.


That is the largest-ever total raised during a single three-month period for a Senate candidate, AP reports. The sum beats Beto O’Rourke’s $37 million final quarter fundraising efforts by a landslide.


Harrison’s campaign fundraising total is a whopping $86 million. He is seeking to unseat Graham, who has been a senator since 2002 (prior to his run, Republican Senator Strom Thurmond retired after spending nearly 50 years in office). Graham won re-election campaigns in 2008 and 2014.


Graham seems to be taking Harrison's fundraising win seriously. On Sunday, the Senator went on the offense on Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures."


"We must win this election…The parade of horribles that will come if we lose the House, the Senate, and the White House is unbelievable," Graham said.


Both Graham and Harrison are getting the majority of their funding from out-of-state. Though details for the latest quarter aren’t available yet, Harrison overall gets 10% of donations from in-state while Graham receives 14% of his donations from within South Carolina. More than 85% of funding for both campaigns is from out-of-state.


The news comes after the second debate, held Friday, changed formats. Graham refused to be tested for COVID-19, claiming that an earlier test was sufficient. However, Harrison believes that Graham’s attendance at an Oct. 1 event that infected many Republicans was cause for concern. After Graham’s refusal, both participated in televised interviews with forum moderators and panelists asking questions, CNN reports.

Anonymous ID: 4d699d Oct. 11, 2020, 1:31 p.m. No.11027837   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8120 >>8315 >>8418

Court Rules Against Six-Day Extension to Count Absentee Ballots in Wisconsin


Republicans in Wisconsin got a small victory in their efforts to make it more difficult to commit voter fraud when a Wisconsin judge overruled a lower court’s decision to allow absentee ballots to be counted for six days after Election Day. If the ruling stands, all ballots would need to be collected by 8:00 p.m. on election night.


The ruling will also allow the state to announce the winner on Election Day or shortly thereafter. The six-day absentee ballot extension could have prolonged the decision for a week or more.


Fox News:


Conley’s ruling also noted the polling issues in April primaries when long lines increased wait times for voting and thousands of ballots didn’t arrive at the local clerk’s office in time.


The 7th Circuit Court judges initially upheld Conley’s ruling on Sept. 29, rejecting the Republicans’ standing to intervene. After the Wisconsin Supreme Court affirmed that standing, the same three-judge panel delivered Thursday’s ruling.


The judges refused to supersede the authority of the state legislature in election matters.


Associated Press:


Justices Frank Easterbrook and Amy St. Eve voted to stay the order and Ilana Rovner opposed.


“The State Legislature offers two principal arguments in support of a stay: first, that a federal court should not change the rules so close to an election; second, that political rather than judicial officials are entitled to decide when a pandemic justifies changes to rules that are otherwise valid,” the majority wrote. “We agree with both of those arguments.”


In a curious dissent, Judge Rovner appeared to want a decision not based on the law, but on fear and emotion.


Rovner, in a blistering dissent, highlighted the coronavirus threat to citizens in Wisconsin, currently one of the nation’s worst hot spots. Conley came up with a “limited, reasonable set of modifications” to election rules to preserve “the precious right of each Wisconsin citizen to vote,” she wrote.


“Today, in the midst of a pandemic and significantly slowed mail delivery, this court leaves voters to their own devices,” she wrote. “Good luck and G-d bless, Wisconsin. You are going to need it.”


In fact, Conley’s decision was radical, not “limited” or “reasonable.” And it was judicial lawmaking at its most blatant.


There’s no evidence of “significantly slowed mail delivery” as postal workers continue to insist they can deliver every single ballot on time. The judge is substituting a Democratic Party political narrative for the facts.


Republican leaders in the state hailed the ruling.


Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, part of the Republican leadership that successfully pressed the appeal of Conley’s ruling, called the reversal “a huge win for preserving the integrity of our election process in Wisconsin.” He called an extended counting period “a preposterous setup” that would undermine confidence in the election.


This ruling will not keep liberal election law lawyers from trying to get any ballots found sitting at the post office counted after Election Day. But it might make it harder to rule them in.

Anonymous ID: 4d699d Oct. 11, 2020, 1:34 p.m. No.11027854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7912

AWKWARD: Viral Mail-In Voting Ad From Seinfeld's 'Newman' Inadvertently Demonstrates Why It Is Bad


Actor Wayne Knight, who played the mailman Newman on Seinfeld in the 1990s, reprised his most famous role in an ad from Democrat super PAC PACRONYM.


As a Seinfeld fan of many years, I had to watch the ad. I just had to see how it was possible that PACRONYM thought it would be a good idea to have Newman, who often referenced the systemic inadequacies of the U.S. Postal Service on the show, be a spokesman for voting by mail. There is literally an episode where Newman has stored eight bags of undelivered mail in Jerry’s storage area.


Ignoring the false claims about Trump’s nonexistent “systematic, premeditated assault on the U.S. mail,” this ad actually reinforces why President Trump and many, many others have said universal voting by mail is not secure.


In the beginning of the ad, he takes a “months old” Time magazine from his pocket that doesn’t belong to him.


“According to this month-old issue of uh, Dr. Roberta Greenburg’s Time magazine subscription, there’s been a systematic, premeditated assault on the U.S. mail by President Trump and his so-called postmaster general.”


Umm, shouldn’t that have been delivered months ago to the address?


Later, Newman assures us, “My brothers and sisters and I in blue will do our solemn best to make sure your ballot is delivered,” then proceeds to literally open an undelivered piece of mail, and remove a cookie from it, which he promptly eats.


This is supposed to make us trust sending our ballots by mail?


Then, he makes a joke about Trump’s tax returns. “Alright, Donnie, you know those tax returns? The ones you don’t want anyone seeing? You should never have mailed those,” he says, then laughs maniacally.


Newman literally joked about committing two federal crimes right there: opening mail not addressed to him, and leaking tax returns. So, again, this ad, which I guess was supposed to make people feel confident about mail-in voting, actually makes the case for why voting by mail is the worst thing you could do if you want your vote to count.


How could anyone watch this ad and feel confident about voting by mail?

Anonymous ID: 4d699d Oct. 11, 2020, 1:37 p.m. No.11027886   🗄️.is 🔗kun

IDF troops assigned to Haifa mitigation efforts meet ultra-Orthodox resistance


Troops instructed to communicate politely with residents but face opposition in religious seminaries in Haredi areas of northern city as well as in Ashdod; forces brought in to assist local authorities meet population's needs during lockdown


IDF Home Front Command troops have faced opposition from ultra-Orthodox communities in Haifa during their ongoing push to enforce coronavirus restrictions.


Soldiers assigned to the northern city were tasked with liaising with local communities to ensure restrictions to curb the spread of the virus were observed. But they reported that Haredi residents continued to ignore all directives, despite 500 new coronavirus cases being detected among that population in the past two weeks.


"We approach residents politely but are met with a refusal to comply with health measures, especially in the religious seminaries," IDF officers, warning of growing cases in neighborhoods such as the one populated by the Vizhnitz Hassidic sect.

The soldiers were deployed to the city and away from their training regimen in order to assist authorities in outreach programs to meet the needs of the local population. They were scheduled to carry out these duties at least until the end of the week.

Anonymous ID: 4d699d Oct. 11, 2020, 1:38 p.m. No.11027905   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ANTIFA Is Compiling Lists Of "Fascist" Businesses For Yelp's New "Racist Behavior Alerts"


It was less than 48 hours ago that we pointed out that "review" website Yelp was getting into the business of social justice by saying it would append a "Business Accused of Racist Behavior Alert" to any businesses page where a company had been accused of racism.


"The bullshit never ends," said Donald Trump Jr., in response to the idea. "What are the odds this isn't insanely abused?" he followed up asking on Friday:


Well, Don, we think we have an answer for you: the odds look pretty long. That's because just 2 days after Yelp's announcement, ANTIFA has already starting compiling the names of businesses that it wants to submit to Yelp and put out of business.


As if throwing rocks through their windows and stealing from them wasn't enough.


The list is being prepared by the same ANTIFA group is that "responsible for organizing the violent Portland riots," according to the Post Millennial. In fact, Tweets from the group compiling the data suggests that ANTIFA members submit "non-friendly" businesses, "AKA any company that's hanging blue lives garbage in their store or anything else that's anti the BLM movement".


So, in essence, Black Lives Matter is now being granted the power to shut down whatever businesses it doesn't like. And remember, this is supposed to be the anti-fascist group.


In the replies to the @SafePDXProtest tweet asking for names (the account is locked) one user reported Brothers Cannabis Dispensary for "pro-cop sh*t in the windows." The dispensary hilariously replied to the user, telling them they were a minority owned business and that the "pro-cop" stuff in the windows was nothing more than a Portland Police Alarm permit.

Anonymous ID: 4d699d Oct. 11, 2020, 1:42 p.m. No.11027948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7962 >>7975 >>8120 >>8315 >>8418

QAnon Is Thriving in Germany. The Extreme Right Is Delighted.


As the U.S. conspiracy theory goes global, it has found fertile ground in the putsch fantasies and anti-Semitic tropes long popular on Germany’s far-right fringe. Counterterrorism officials worry.


BERLIN — Early in the pandemic, as thousands of American troops began NATO maneuvers in Germany, Attila Hildmann did a quick YouTube search to see what it was all about. He quickly came across videos posted by German followers of QAnon.


In their telling, this was no NATO exercise. It was a covert operation by President Trump to liberate Germany from Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government — something they applauded.


“The Q movement said these are troops that will free the German people from Merkel,” said Mr. Hildmann, a vegan celebrity cook who had not heard of QAnon before last spring. “I very much hope that Q is real.”


In the United States, QAnon has already evolved from a fringe internet subculture into a mass movement veering into the mainstream. But the pandemic is supercharging conspiracy theories far beyond American shores, and QAnon is metastasizing in Europe as well.


Groups have sprung up from the Netherlands to the Balkans. In Britain, QAnon-themed protests under the banner of “Save Our Children” have taken place in more than 20 cities and towns, attracting a more female and less right-wing demographic.


But it is in Germany that QAnon seems to have made the deepest inroads. With what is regarded as the largest following — an estimated 200,000 people — in the non-English-speaking world, it has quickly built audiences on YouTube, Facebook and the Telegram messenger app. People wave Q flags during protests against coronavirus measures.


More (couldn't be bothered posting it all)


HIT PIECE good work German Anon's you made the NYT dance!

Anonymous ID: 4d699d Oct. 11, 2020, 1:44 p.m. No.11027971   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7986 >>8120 >>8315 >>8418 >>8479

Is America Turning Into a Communist Country? What We Are Going to do When They Come For Our Freedom Of Speech And Our Freedom to Bear Arms?


Communism hit center stage with the Russian revolution, as first Vladimir Lenin and then Joseph Stalin remade Russia into the image created by Karl Marx. This didn’t affect us here in the USA much until World War II, when we were uncomfortable allies with Russia. Even then, there were those who saw communism as being the political savior for all mankind. But it wasn’t until World War II ended and the Cold War began, that we clearly saw the juxtaposition of capitalism versus communism in the world.


Ever since then, there have been those in this county who have been pushing for us to become one more socialist country in the world. They hold up socialism as the shining light, where all people are treated equally. The government exists only to make sure that happens.


But even then, there is an elite in any communist government. Someone has to make the decisions about who gets what and those people always take care of themselves first. While socialism or even communism might be a great theory, it requires perfect people; and the world has always had a shortage of those.


Yet there are those in our political system, who still proclaim socialism as the way to go. They make it sound better by calling it “democratic socialism.” But all it takes is a look at other countries who have gone socialist to see what that means; you can vote it in, but you can’t vote it out.


Nevertheless, they try to make their political ideology look good by promising lots of freebies, not letting people know that they are going to have to pay exorbitant taxes to get those freebies. Rather, they claim that the rich, who don’t pay “their fair share” will pay them. Yet every time politicians talk about raising taxes on the rich, it is the middle class who feels the pinch, not the wealthy.


To the low-information voter, especially the low-income, low-information voter, this all sounds good. They get free health care, free birth control, free education, free phones, free food and free income, and someone else has to pay for it. What could be better?


Interestingly enough, over the last century, every socialist or communist government has gotten into power by proclaiming their concern for the poor. This gave them a large pool of low-information voters they could count on, so that they could get voted into office. They lied to their followers regularly, both about their own intentions and those of the opposing party. All that mattered was that they got into power. We could be seeing the same thing happening here.


So, is the United States on its way to becoming a communist country, as some would like?


As I look back over the last 50 years, I can see where we Americans have lost a lot of our freedoms. Every time the government expands, taking over another part of society, it does so at the cost of individual and state freedom. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about the IRS or the EPA; they get their power by stealing our freedom.


In that sense, you can say that we are already on the road towards communism and have been so for quite some time. A major step towards getting us there was Obama’s signature healthcare law. Never intended to work, the Unaffordable Healthcare Act was merely supposed to be a stepping stone towards a single-payer healthcare system, which would allow the federal government to take full control of 17.9% of our economy.

Anonymous ID: 4d699d Oct. 11, 2020, 1:50 p.m. No.11028032   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8061 >>8120 >>8315 >>8418

Postal Service, now under fire, vastly overspent on its employee relocation program


The USPS diverged from typical government models to calculate its employee relocation budget plan.



The Golden Horseshoe is a weekly designation from Just the News intended to highlight egregious examples of wasteful taxpayer spending by the government. The award is named for the horseshoe-shaped toilet seats for military airplanes that cost the Pentagon a whopping $640 each back in the 1980s.


This week, our award is going to the United States Postal Service for spending in excess of $1 million extra on the relocation costs and benefits of employees who transfer to a new duty station, move to start a new position, or are moving for a final time on retirement.


According to a new report from the USPS Office of the Inspector General, the postal service spent $21 million on relocation costs between February 2019 and May 2020. The postal service outsources the management of its relocation program to an outside management firm, which "provides guidance to relocating employees on Postal Service policies and processes, ensures prompt payment of authorized expenses, and assists with arrangements for moving and storing household goods," according to the report.


The report found that the relocation management firm (RMF) that the USPS contracted with between 2018 and 2020 "did not always comply with contractual requirements and properly pay all relocations benefits."


"In addition, the Postal Service did not effectively manage the program," continued the audit. In fact, the Postal Service did not even have access to all of the documents in the RMF's online database, which the report determines it would have needed to have in order to effectively manage the program.


The report also found that, of a randomly sampled pool of employees who had been relocated between February 2019 and March 2020, 16% were not paid the correct amount in relocation benefits. In several instances, the RMF miscalculated the amount to be paid out by the Postal Service for things like lodging expenses, meals and incidentals, and travel expenses not related to the employee's relocation.


By and large, these errors consistently occurred, according to the IG, because the Postal Service "did not have adequate policies and procedures to monitor the program." The USPS also discussed but failed to document any guidelines pertaining to the "application of relocation policy."


Moreover, the audit found that the Postal Service is overpaying for their employees to be moved around. The standard Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) miscellaneous expense allowance payment for relocated employees is $1,300. The USPS, by contrast, provides its employees $2,500 for their miscellaneous expense allowances.


The report determines that, had the USPS — whose finances have recently come under fire for being badly mismanaged — stuck to a more standard FTR payment plan, it would have saved more than $1 million between February 2019 and March 2020. Not only that, but the Postal Service does not require or check receipts for relocation allowance payments, meaning they have no reliable way of knowing whether or not their employees are even spending the money for its intended purpose.