If there are no arrests prior to the election:
Dems will:
A. steal the election
B. claim the election was stolen
Either way civil war breaks out.
If Trump wins then arrests start they will claim it's political revenge.
If Trump loses then arrests start they will claim it's a coup of the new Gov and call in the UN. AKA every other cabal run Army WW and this will give cause for the sheeple to believe this is necessary as they've been conditioned for 4 years that trump is a dictator etc…..
The only way i can see this not turning into a complete clusterfuck is arrests before the election, election suspended until justice is served.
Also that video of the Rabbi in 2019 saying nothing will happen until after the election and then listing Trump's 4 Jobs. If this turns out to be the case then it's all just one big scam played on us all.
here's the link to the video I mentioned start at 14:30
It also bothers me that both the left and right media MSM/ALT are all controlled by the same billionaires who got us into this mess, thesis / antithesis left is bad right is good narrative which as most of us know is the right and left arm of the same beast!