Anon theory of Trump having COVID-19:
Trump may or may not have been infected with COVID-19.
He may have been the target of an assassination attempt via viral infection or maybe the entire situation is a ruse. Remember that Q pointed brought up the missile attack that was actually an assassination attempt? Either way Trump was treated with a medication that is still in the clinical trial stage. This is odd. Even more curious is that Trump offered this treatment for everyone in America! How could this be? Surprisingly, the media did not attack him for being treated with an experimental drug. Trump came out from his illness or assassination attempt victorious and they have no way to stop him without exposing themselves even further! This is why they were so quiet about the entire situation.
What President Trump did was point out a company called Regeneron who has been successfully using a technology called VelocImmune. They created mice that have human immune systems so they can cause them to create antibodies to virtually any pathogen. In fact, they created a medication called REGN-EB3 to treat Ebola. It was so successful that clinical trails for stopped for ZMAPP which was previously considered the standard of care for Ebola. Now Regeneron has basically created a cure for COVID-19.
Why is this important? Well, to simplify things let me explain.
If they have mice that can create human antibodies then they HAVE the technology to treat any infection this way. It is highly likely that they HAVE been doing just that for many years, unbeknown to us. The problem for us is that it would only be available to the elite who have billions of dollars to spend. Trump has been pushing for fairness in the medical field and has championed the "right to try" act. He knows it isn't fair that he can get special treatment and the people cannot. I am sure that anyone who has billions of dollars would have an entire arsenal of secret cures not available to the public. The elite would not be victim to the endless stream of biowarfare attacks that have been deployed on humanity from the Spanish flu to ZIKA to measles to yearly influenza all the way to current day COVID-19.
They have been creating pandemics while withholding the cures for themselves this entire time. Look how big the "cold and flu" isle is at the pharmacy! I would call that flu vaccine a 100% vaccine failure but to the Cabal it is one of their biggest money makers. It's time to release the cures! Do you really think that with all of the trillions of dollars we have spent on medical research that we did not find even ONE cure?
You know that the Cabal unleashed the COVID-19 on humanity. You know that they are trying to create a second wave to disrupt the elections. You know that they banned medical providers from using HCQ for treatment of COVID-19. Basically, what Trump did was turn toward the torpedo (as in Hunt for Red October) and unharnessed the cure for COVID-19 before they could fully deploy their Second Wave of COVID-19. Why should anyone need to lock down or be afraid to vote if there is a cure for COVID?? Genius!!
People are going to be real mad when they finally figure out that the Cabal has been poisoning us since the history of time and then creating treatments (NOT CURES) and mandatory vaccines in order to harvest huge sums of money. PROBLEM, REACTION, SOLUTION.
The Cabal has lost most of it's main sources of revenue from trafficking of drugs, people and weapons, war, foundations, fake funds (Climate Change), etc. One of their last large sources of income is Big Pharma and Vaccines. I predict that 5 years from now (maybe sooner) vaccines will be a thing of the past. The cures will be released and actually, we won't need very many cures because the poisonings will stop. With fair judges in place the people can successfully challenge the laws that gave vaccine manufacturers immunity and the mandatory vaccine laws that have injured so many people.
A new world is coming but it will be Gods world and not some bullshit Satanic Illuminati NWO world!
Oh, and don't forget, Trump has special wartime and emergency powers so he can take over any company in the US to use it to help the people. Things could change very quickly!
Where we go one, we go all!
PS: Thanks Q for being you!